Pat live 8/28

Wake up, stand up for your dreams.

You have been dreaming about them, you have been praying on them.

You have to work on them. no opportunities wasted.

I encourage you to tap into your habits so that you can tap into what you deserve.

Daily affirmations, I attract the appropriate people into my life and repel all the people that don't.

so I don't get upset with the people that fall off. 

Unless they come to motivate you, contribute to the overall good, but it goes back to affirm the correct things in your life.

We hold on to people due to longevity, they have always been around. but you have to do what is best for you.

Is that person worth sitting on your dream? I didn't do it because this person said it was a dumb idea.

Affirmation I call it my armor. I am speaking what I am and who I am. Someone says 'this is not happening for you' I already know what is happening for me.

Everybody is not going to be able to see your vision. Just because they don't understand it, doesn't mean it's not possible. 

You gotta swing, Can't get a homerun if you don't swing. A lot of people are waiting for it to be perfect. 

I failed so many times, it was learning moments for me. That didn't work. You are not always gonna see it. You gotta stretch for your dreams. You gonna get your knew bruised. Jump, take a leap of faith for your dream. 

I am too old, or I am not enough. You are powerful, you got this fire on you. We are human, you ready for it. It's time for you to stretch. You are powerful, you are special, you have something in you. It's time for you to stretch for it. the pain is temporary, your hardship is temporary. 

Where you are right now, is not where you can be tomorrow. you have the ability, you have it all in you. you have to get hungry. when you walk with why and your purpose, I'm on my path, nothing can stop me.  Nothing can stop me when you zone in. It's gonna take something different to get a different result.

What is it that I want? I can and I will. Don't anybody else tell you I can and I will. You need to move on it. You are powerful, you are special. You gotta go unlock it. You already a millionaire, your bank account just doesn't reflect it yet. You gotta unlock it.  

Everything you need is inside of you. How or where to go, just move, shoot for the moon and I promise you, you gonna hit a star. Give life all your got. You are worth it. Whatever you think you are meant to do, it is yours. Just walk into it. Don't let anyone take it from you. They are operating on something a little different.

Don't let them come around and steal your joy, your excitement. Fear stopped some of us, it stopped me too. fear is an illusion in our head, is non existence. False evidence appearing real. You do something and you said wow I should have done that years ago.  Fear is your inner self saying you can't do it. You gotta say it yes I can and yes I will. The enemy is the inner me. 

Give it all you got. Pour into yourself. Share positivity, we gotta stick together. We gotta stick in unity to have influence. Continue to support. Continue to give it all you got. We love ya'll. 


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