Do I get along with everyone? interesting
Do I get along with everyone? People that say that it means that the relationship is surface level (he is completely correct!) I had a lot of friends in college but it was all hi and bye. It wasn't I could call you in case of an emergency. Relationship is very aloof. There is nothing deeper. The relationship is very safe. There is no deeper relationship so its easy. The moment you don't along with, could be sibling, spouse, parent. because you know them more. Some people are afraid to be in serious relationship because what if this partnership doesn't work out? People break up first all the time because they are afraid of getting close. Runaway bride, she never wanted to get too close because what if it doesn't work out? Get along, 5 minutes later you talk about politics. When you take a stand, not everyone is going to like you. If you say you like the Lakers, the opposition will not like you. If you believe in God, the athiest are not going to like you....