Jim Question

 Hi Jim, new to the chat. I read about the Fed meeting yesterday and it mentioned that the central bank will reduce its bond holdings by $95 billion a month. As a new trader using live Ninja simulator, how does it affect the relationship between sellers and buyers? I noticed yesterday after Fed meeting there was a huge upwards hike in the Nasdaq and ZB at 3pm. 

3 month taper, get to 95 billion. really a drop in the bucket. when you look at 9 trillion. idk how many months that its going to take. 

positive affect, template or a game plan that's been laid on the table. they are taking the market uncertainty away. they are laying it out months in advance.

There is no 75 basis point hike, so they took out some market uncertainty. 120 before the next meeting. 

Labor costs, SP500 companies, Russell, small cap folks. Labor is a problem 1.9 jobs per unemployed person. 

1.9 billion job openings. employers have to pay more to get people to work. 


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