Rene Clad event
tall guys to be stronger, protect them, feel safe.
is you are short, get jacked.
status- girls want to be with a leader. perceived leader. authority figure.
Charm- only thing i can actually teach. be witty, communication. what 4 stages a man go through
slave- has no purpose, slave to job, society
warrior- discover purpose and discovers it (wants to be a doctor, goes to school, working towards it)
women do not want slave or warrior. they want other stage
knight- man who is living in his purpose but hasn't battled his demons. has not overcome who he is as a person. he sleeps with lot of women, reckless with money (finished school, started working as doctor, started being with his purpose)
King- divine, find queen. create something, pass on your legacy. next step.
dating coach, this is what I coach them on. pick up artist but wasn't long term results. now i teach them with communication then those relationships can become longer lasting.
If girl is at a bar, how do you start conversation?
Guy- have to do something that draws attention. to set you apart. Once conversation starts, its easy.
There is high leverage business and low leverage business
low leverager- time is execttly to the money
service provider- low leverage. service for a fee and time in exchange for it.
coaching business- my worst business I do. can this become high leverage? yes.
Tony Robbins- has low leverage coaching business. one of the few.
high leverage- Steve is dead. very high leverage.
apple is the middle.
Where do you feel your business is at?
Solar in general as a whole. It can be high leverage. Elon's company went bankrupt why?
It's a low leverage business. he cant put his hand on everything. Elon tweets 8 hours a day.
You need to inject time into that business to get a results.
Influencer- low leverage... (if you die, your business dies)
Million per post like Kylie. they stop influencing, they start businesses. sell $2 makeup for $50 to impressionable girls that want to look like you.
Athlete- low leverage business. what percentage of LeBron James comes from basketball? 10 percent. Steph curry has better contract, Lebron has other investments. he owns a media company.
Drop shippers- high level business.
average life time of athlete- how long do they play?
influencer- lower on the leverage, high sustainability
affiliate marketing- same thing.
E-learning- very saturated.
10 months left on Tiktok before it becomes like IG.
E-leaning is so good because school system sucks.
religion- high leverage, high sustainability why?
church brings in a lot of money. did you hear about Hillsong? he was pastor, he cheated on wife with bunch of women. because he had power, i'm justin bieber's manager and used to that to get women.
E-commerce, supplements. work 12 hours a month. make 30-40k a month
Solar is 55 hours a week. low leverage but aroind for long time. no worries about running out of business anytime soon.
Rene: oldest bikini line that still exists? 1900s still around today? 1977, sustainability.
google trends, polls, research groups.
amazon will take all your customers, customer data, analytics. etc
I go on vacations with amazon sellers. they all have a real business. where he makes more money?
selling to people that sell on amazon. its how he started, selling on amazon. baller.
he doesnt make that on amazon. he makes money selling to people to sell on amazon. he's a supplier.
people on amazon take the L. you have the leads,
trusty website.easy checkout. traffic.
We sell more on amazon than on our own website.
I'd rather you take time to build your website and have customer data (selling affirmation cars).
Remove the sustainability depending on the platform. journal- email list, information, boom they buy gain. get as many leads, contacts, information as possible.
TEACHABLE -yes know it. they offered me to put my course on teachable. why would i give you my people's information? paying for leads, traffic, data is king.
Affiliate marketing if you want to build a brand, you gotta collect the information.
We'll host your course but we get the data. better? build your own thing.
teachable is good to host your stuff but not close them.
business- 2 goals. increase your volume. and increase your magnitude.
that means sell more things. increase magnitude- increase profit, increase the LTV,
i'm paying for my mistakes in future times. i would have owned a jet right now. I spend money on girls.
I sold over 7k of my course. first people to buy it. 7k. issue i followed model of didn't think about magnitude or volume. i thought of let me just sell this. 600k in a year when we sold 7k.
i stopped growing, sold people something they didn't want to repeat buy.
no magnitude, no upsell. sold first e learning, 290. i tried magnitude. going to do a 2k course.
issue is you can't ego from 49 to 2k like that. 40-50k a month. couldn't increase the volume ont hat, only the magnitude.
had i sold them a subscription with help every week instead of single purpose product i would have made million dollars. subscriptions are cheat code to make more money. pay month by month or whole year.
I could have made 3 mil instead of 600k.
I learned all this stuff as I go. i could have been on a jet, instead here i am keeping the lights on somehow (coaching you guys lol).
How increase volume for our products? Bundles, upsell, have different products on your website. YOu will sell more. subscriptions are gold.
they increase the magnitude. lifetime span will get bigger.
apple and amazon are the most valuable companies in the world. why? lifetime value of apple customers?
i'm willing to bet company value is linked to their customer lifetime value.
LTV lifetime value of a customer
amazon is 1620 and apple is 12,000. lets see if market cap is directly proportional.
apple is 25 times bigger than netflix. app store, percentage of everyone else's stuff.
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