Dispatch Zoom Call 5.26.22

 speaker was Adam Wingfield @innovative Logistics Group.

Inerportal -started a promotion this week. knockoff a little bit more from setup fee. $199 down to 49.99. monthly fee of 99.99 and carrier leads. they are proven to work. someone got 23 carriers in 30 days. only lasts until Monday.

Innerportal, go to store, put in the code, MEMORIAL150 takes 150 off the setup fee. Reach me or pince (Kristin Haley). Setup for a demo so that you can see what innerportal has to offer. 

Jasmine -2 drivers are not driving under their own authority. 

Rob- you have to speak to the owner of the authority and they have to sign the agreement.

Jon Pettis- He sounded like a Baptist preacher, always had one more close. accountability- put my name on it. Now I got ownership, I'm not gonna let my name fail. accountability comes only when you take ownership of it. It is yours. It's mine. Your script, sales flow, develop your culture. Building the company, how do I want my company to feel?

If your children can't finish your vision, it may not be big enough. Cange the narrative of my family. I'm starting classes and doing some trainings. going to teach this once I master this. My inner circle is not doing what I'm doing. and needs help. Keep that in mind. 

Indeed locking people out- what is the solution? I sent them my certificate of formation and evrything. 

Jacquelyn- before was free. now they want you to sponsor, have business email and find you on secretary of state. call customer service and they will help you from there. sent letter of formation and temporary one for 60 days. Keep on going somewhere else. 

They think its a spam because the same message. have to be more original. 

Right now its time to be expanding. he had 15 trucks, lost 23 trucks. how to get to 30 in the next 30. 

Adam- Go hungry. Don't be comfortable. Have sense of urgency out. 



Call brokers and shippers and tell them we have multiple trucks in their area. (even if you don't) Then they will send dedicated lanes your way.

One you have a dedicated lane available, drop ads and say you have dedicated lanes. Once you have dedicated lanes, its very easy to get carriers.


Evette- go to a company that have a lot of owner carriers that are afraid to go out on their own. you can call them and offer your dispatching services. it gets you some experience and now I found out I like flatbed. Now I feel confident calling a flatbed owners because i know what I am talking about now. 

They said she found it in carrierlist.com $150 a month?

ChaReeda - copy.ai you can go and put what your company offers and hit generate. its pop up templates for ad. you can copy and paste and that can be your own unique job description. 

step by step on how to create an ad, it got so many people to call in. 

Jasper - The Best AI Writing Assistant helps as well.

Q; DAT Power, she clicked on lane marker. wasnt able to see what we had on the video. 


Build a relationship with brokers. Nolan  Transportation- all carriers signed up? the way to market your carrier cant be one way street. Facebook- know box truck, dimensions inside and out. LTL , not everything is full load. sign up with bell hop (if they are sitting still). just pivot and get better at what you do. carrier wants 2.50 or more. 

Adam- box truck wants 2.50 or more, is not carrier. 1.25 to 1.65 is the average. dryvan spot rate averate is 2.03. educate them. bring them up. he doesn't know. he doesn't know the break even point is. onboarding, set expectations  up front. break even point, stay home time. Undertand where your break even point is. 1.50 is break even, 20% is .30. over 1.80 a mile we are happy. You are the expert over here. Dont just be a servant, be an expert.

Adam- Bad business if they rent out the truck. bad situation. 

Meggan- course for 2 months, now got on the call. We found out about Alix, did research, he's a driver. thought this might be lucrative for our daugther instead of college. we homeschool her. 

tommy- out of SC help with container port, dispatching the guys coming out of the port. with the ports, run like DAT. You have freight and you have chasy moves. #1 port load.com. Carriers gotta certified with doi. 2. certified with port only stay in 2-3 ports. TWIC certified. 


Text 214.499.2942 to discuss marketing services off the good energy call

ALIX GOOD ENERGY- find a lane that works best for you. and go kill it. 

Q: fuel surchage. in the morning, post in dispatch mastery group, formula to calculate the fuel surchage. 

Alix- dont skip calls. the Q/A are golden. if you are serious about this, spend your money. monthly subscription. Go watch every single call. You may not know that you need to know the answer. You ask great questions.


I am a freight agent/ dispatcher and need carriers to move freight in all states. If your interested email me at cheryl@ Hudsonfreightagency.com


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