me not having Jane
is like me not having access to comfort
like not having a blanket
but she needs to comfort herself
and focus on her and her baby that needs her
i remember the call she was looking for a private space to even speak
its hard for me to accept that she's better off without me
there's been so much space
and now there is so much space that we are not there for each other on anything
life has moved on
i leaned on God in Miami like never before
yes talked to Jenny, she was a big help
i all of a sudden had time nevagating that was difficult
Zari helped me a lot somedays gave me the daily ticket fee
right now, Melody is a burst of light.
either way i have had to learn to live without her
i cant call her when my emotions are too much
she was always kind and nice
i called her when the thing with yomeiry was happening
the last voice note we did
she said how i said too much to her that she wished i didnt say it
i was going through a lot
but it made me feel like i need to be there for mysefl
and no one can be there for me
show people a mask
you are too much is my fear
I don like being fake
being inautenthic
but fairness thrives
keep going auris
pretend everything is okay
that's the worst part
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