WALL ST TRAPPER: Where's trappers at? where's the pandas at?

1,2,3 WE IN HERE! We about to change this information, we about to change these conversations. 

Know something real quick, got JP Morgan and JZ in the background. Let's talk about this money cuz.

Couch: blue blazer guy Frank,  middle couch, a white man with assets over liabilities shirt CEO named Josh, couch on the right Wall st trapper with pink jumpsuit on.

FRANK: WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY FOR THE FIRST HALF OF THE YEAR. following one of the worst first half of the year what are you looking for in the second half?

WALL ST TRAPPER: hat do we do in a drought? we build in a drought. I see earnings decrease I want to see companies that people need everyday. good balance sheets, second growth. 

CEO, (something) management, WHITE GUY...his name is JOSH.

JOSH: set the stage a little big, from march 2022, bottom of pandemic, march 2021 96% of companies went up. you could have been blindfolded and made money. 1950s... 252 days it took to double. some stocks tripled quadrupled. dream scenario to be setup for. most people started later. this year polar opposite, nothing is working so far. 

dreams and nightmares. this is just an amazing environment to build a portfolio earing.

75 year old people bad news for people that made their money already. 20,30,50 buy into this market. every 2 weeks money comes into IRA, 401k why would you go for high prices? the drama is where you make your money. 

2 questions, what are the things to guarantee to happen and how to di make money? Energy shortage all over the world, no matter what. they are not talking about drilling, buying more stock. Europe is natural gas 50, US is 8.. who is sitting between that spread.. form us to Bagadelsh?

Germany is ___ itself. light on nano for 70 years are now sized fired of defense system. which companies are meeting that demand?

War, and people short of energy supplied. We didn't get chose it. make your money in next 6 months in my opinion.

WALL ST TRAPPER we need to be in defense and oil. you need to knw a little bit about the economy. 

FRANK: CHINA SHUTDOWN. Target is coming from web port. negotiating could be disruptions there (missed some of that, lot of words)  as well. Both of you mentioned something, dollar cost averaging (putting money consistently in the market). 

WALL ST TRAPPER: I don't like dollar cost averaging. this is what its wroth. fair price. then buy into it. it puts you into the stock over a long time. keep bring costs basis down. always figure out what its wroth, bring down the cost basis down.

FRANK: Even if it's amazon, meta, if THE PRICE IS working for you, you won't buy it?

Would you buy a car worth a 100% more? no you wouldn't. would you 

It's worth $100. came down 101. for me, that's the buying opportunity for us. I was cool with that. I'm always going to reevaluate it. depends on earning, profits. Ian says buy apple, buy Microsoft, consistently I'm fine with that. 

FRANK: build on something trap said, great saying which is that if you don't know who you are, stock market is a expensive place to find out. first 10 years of my career was great misses. but all those experiences were very formative for me. 2nd thing about consistency and your approach. you cant chase what's working every year. this ain't my year. I'm underperforming. next year might be my year. you cant take out the knockout punch. get really excited about what just worked. 

Just when you found the keys to the market, they changed the locks. 

You have 9 to 5? shouldn't be swing trader, you are not in front of the screen. develop a strategy that doesn't require you to be in the screen all day. long term investing is worst .

We know  it works. stick that out (the bad times)

Investing is not a game, #1 tool is temperament. If you can sit through those periods of underperformance, market drama, don't chase hot thot, you will be absolutely fine. 

WALL ST TRAPPER: developing the habit. We gotta develop the habit of investing. stop looking for the hot stock. knocks us out. time in the market is better than time in the market. 

When stock go down, trap you will like that stock? yes, I still like it. Don't let it take you 10 years to figure out who you are. 

JOSH: Even if you underperformed and where in the market for 20 years you got 13% (something like that, didn't write notes on that part)

FRANK: Market environment

What are you looking at?

WALL ST TRAPPER: EVERYONE knows about Apple. earning makes up 4% of the SP and a lot of the growth too. Market is how people feel. But it doesn't dictate what's going on in those stores. are they still growing? adjusted earning. easy to do good when money is cheap. when market is, we are not in that favorable environment.

Walmart and Target said we have too many inventory. Walmart said people are not buying when they used to be buying. Defense is amazing. 

I'm not a financial advisor. I can take you TO THE TRAP HOUSE! Ya dig? 

Look at defense, I like (?)

Gill Maderna (?), EHOOD TECHNOLOGY. I look for companies that have those motes, they stay strong. a strong competitive edge and a strong cash flow. 

Even with apple, cash reserve.. 

JOSH: one of the most miraculous stories in the market. analyst come and downplay the stock. When you sell apple, one of 3 people are buying:

1) apple itself. they kill it, it disappears. earnings are being spread out for less shares. those who hold the stock have a higher share of the company and dividends.

2) index funds. dow30, value index, growth indexes, every major index. 


3) Warren Buffet, net buyers in last quarter. Honestly, do you want the person that sells to Blackrock, warren buffet or apple itself? apple is fascinating for a lot of reason. not selling it has been a way easier decision. 

WALL ST TRAPPER: and then me!


WALL ST TRAPPER: We got a whole thing dedicated to dividend investing. metric that I look for. outside of investing in real estate, investing in truth, I want it to be 65 to 75 percent. I don't want them to use all their money for dividend. I like share buybacks. 

I heard you say Joh I got Paypal wrong. they switched the story behind what they are doing. focus on customers, nope we are going to focus about our customers that are already here. 

I own Costco, great dividend. I like yields that 

JOSH: They get taxed on that profit, when they 20% tax, not great but not horrible. but double taxation. shareholder gets taxed for receiving their share of that money. stock buybacks have become popular. cutting jobs act of 2017. corps can take same money in quarterly dividend and buy those shares and retire them. you want companies that are doing buyback. shareholder yield. apple and Microsoft is an example of that. I love REITS. Own a REIT in an IRA if you can. why? regular brokerage account you don't get that dividend distribution rate, regular income rate. 70% on a regular bracket. if its rollover IRA,  no taxation on that distribution. you cant eat pro tax returns. asset location, where you buy it. 

WALL ST TRAPPER: if i bought enough of it, if they do an increase. How do I maximize my money. Buy dividend of itself without it keeping putting money out there? 

FRANK: I think they are getting sleepy out there.


FRANK: I need my pockets right. I need my grandkids right. I need my family right. 

WALL ST TRAPPER some say I got my kid here, saying my kid is not going to go through what I've been through. I've been some of the biggest investment events I never seen anything like this! Every time you like a post, reshared something, follow somebody, go follow EYL, follow Wall St trapper, you push the culture forward. I want you to understand, Josh, he invest money for people, and he giving us game. I need us to salute that shit! Josh is here because he's not losing money, he's making money. Wall St you are up here because you are making money. 

WALL ST TRAPPER: There is a reset. economy gives birth to new business. there's a new problem that is faxed. there is a company ready to face that problem. saw what Netflix did, that had a good run. streaming going crazy. I love fintech. i think the way we use money is changing, the way people buy houses is changing. make the most money if you are patient enough. most hedgefunds and big companies have, you are not investing for nobody but yourself. you don't got compare to what Josh is doing, what Ian is doing, what I am doing. Peter Lynch said the best investor is right in front of your face. 

I love machine learning. Companies like Centure is amazing. That's where I am.

FRANK: Worse if there were no recessions at all. valuations fall, both of which happens this year. they go up. Expective returns the future. Doesn't matter what happens already. that's over. price to earning multiple 21 times. Am I willing to pay 20 times? make profit back 20 times? fallen 25% means opportunity going forward is going up, not down. respective returns have risen. greatest companies started during recession. 

JOSH: make sure there's a reason why. clear cut rationale into how it fits into your asset relocation. times get rough, average year has 3-10 percent throwdowns. your confidence will be shaken, then you will sell, rinse repeat. you have to know when you are buying something. Why did i do this in the first place?

FRANK: how do you feel about crypto?

WALL ST TRAPPER: we are still here! I'm still with ya'll?

JOSH: I own some points. great reminder of why we all need to be humbled. they should be thoughts of as commodities. they are not investable, they are tradeable. times when it does well and times when it does poorly. what the most exposure that you are going to have. try to stick to that. hard to stick with in the hard time. people get insanely rich and it will drive you crazy. I'm not anti or pro, no leverage. bitcoin is 3 times more volatile than the SP500. I think you will be happy one way or another. 

WALL ST TRAPPER you should invest in index funds, look at those top 10 companies, that's where you find your research at. they don't got it there for nothing. same for ETF. look at them. People have problems finding companies. see those companies right there. If you don't do the research, go there to index funds. a dollar that ain't moving is a dollar that is losing. right? 

Undersatnd who you are. buy somethign at all time high. 

JOSH: and dont listne to Matt Damon. 

WALL ST TRAPPER: I own Bitcoin, Etherum and I'm cool letting that ride. 1. rule reason why you are investing in that business. does that business have longetivity? can the business expand without taking too much debt? if you follow that, you cant be wrong. 

FRANK: SOME PEOPLE say buy tesla because they drive a tesla, buyt producgts you use. what do you think about hat?

JOSH: buy a company so easy an idiot can run it and eventually, an idiot will.

JOSH: DO THIS FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS. data going back to 1987 (last reliable stock market data) almost a century of data. likelihood of being down over any 5 year period is 73%. Likelihood of being down over any 10 year period, is only 12%. 88% of the time, you are a winner. 

Second half of the year, this is a young vibrant audience we have a long time. lets think that way.

WALL ST TRAPPER: Buying wealth one share at a time. Building wealth here, ya'll. Recessions happen. Recession shouldn't scare you, you should say I been waiting for this. recession, high interest rates, all an opportunity for me to make money. bull market somewhere. 

Say something: I AM A FINANCIAL REVOLUTIONARY! WALL ST  looks like us now! WALL ST looks like us now! Let's go man!

6:38 PM


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