Jeremy Anderson
Understanding your audience- know your audience
Trunk- all ways you can share and speak from the main part of your message
Tale of 3 shooters.
Snipers-limiting something really niche that can be hard.
Be more shotgun, one direction but wide enough to hit enough people depending on where you are
Money from speaking
Got trucking and non profit.
Money is slave to me, its supposed to work for me.
Building out my brand years ago. People tap in with you when they tap into your brand.
How I build out my logo? my brand? how to let people know who I am?
This is what I am, this is what I got going on.
went to every engagement and vendor booth. LET PEOPLE KNOW YOUR EXIST.
It's not even to be seen as best speaker. what's brand about? going to the next level.
podcast, student curriculum, speaker academy, trucking.
I show people how to go to the next level. i take my social work back around.
SWEET SPOT- I talk about my social work background. we meet people where they are. Don't be judgmental. You made bad decisions? So did I.
How did I get there? took every single opportunity that came my way.
JEREMIAH- doing 6 figures speaker. brand before (that was clip art). I deserve better than clip art.
We created this for him. I booked him for an event. next level student athlete conference, branding was strong and so was his message.
Message-will you get the opportunity. the branding will give you the platform.
He got called from Princeton after he changed his branding!! wow!!!
they did his color, brand, book cover. then university of Georgia. they wanted my apparel. 6200 more charge. sho
he does spoken word too.
35k in one day. spoke for free. got paid maybe $500.
-EXPOSURE got corporate gig from speaking in elementary school cause teacher told her husband.
-spoke for free... shelter, (jails?)
God said you are putting yourself in a position to be blessed.
-God said they cant play you because they cant play me. I'm with you! and I'm with you! I'll secure your soul, heart, family. just do the work and watch how i bless you.
you dont know who you will be exposed to. who is in the audience?
-bring videographer. spending time with employees afterwards. pulling up to the event.
repurpose that late.
Testimonials- get done speaking. record other people saying what they felt about my speech.
your ppl can remix that with other promo videos.
REFERRALS- ask for referrals. after i spoke.
Tax write off ( incine letter) if you wave your fee. Auris came spoke in my school and she waived her 3k fee. collect all of those in end of the year. whoever collects the taxes, collect that and put that your letter.
-they'll say can you just write it for me and I'll put my name on there? yeah
-I was perfecting my message. I was speaking in homeless shelter in Miami. i was torn. they not paying attention to me. People got up and walked away. One woman was rocking her baby. i spoke like i was speaking to her. it strengthens you in your presentation.
-You are changing lives. when you speak life to them, love on them, encourage them. that organization trust you.
-I first came to Atlanta, emailed 100s of school trying to get a speaking deal.
-that reminds me when i was giving my book for free, no interest. crazy.
God said don't have a spirit of entitlement. it is a honor for you to speak. I had to repent.
TESTIMONIAL: she got her first 20k speaking check. Yeah!!! Free to fee.
-kind is the head. queen controls the neck. I need your content having people looking here. that people tap in with you.
-video clips of you speaking, pictures, testimonials. don't record on tablet or iPads. cell phone or professional camera.
-the more videos. You can remix for Youtube and social media.
I would go on google. put flyer, nice flyer using their school colors. put your picture there. drop that, super excited.
I put flyer on social media. it wasn't for you. principals that book me i need them to see it. I'm out here speaking. the more they realize Jeremy is in demand.
You gotta call organizations, you gotta call.
I'm not putting ads. I got so much content out here. If i go to a school. I'll make flyers, pictures and testimonials.
Take picture with person that booked you.
2 years ago, no one is going to come save me. ITS MY RESPONSABILITY.
Every engagement will lead you to the next. or open up another door.
Every single speaking engagement will make you stronger as a speaker.
one of best human beings. v( wow he kjnows the wife and kid names)
went to conference in orlando, FL. had breakout session and booth. plating seeds.
come and present to our organization, youth camp every summer.
Can you send any vidoe or content of you speaking? i want to see your style.
I had a few sermons, it paid around $500. maybe 8 years ago.
week of prayer, did baptism at the end.
baptized her, built a relationship with her husband. top neurologist in Arizona.
spend couple of days, introduce you to my friend Lily, she works for the school. she's superintendent.
700 kids, you got 30 minutes. I said what? grabbed microphone and goes crazy.
what's afternoon like? want to swing by one more school? he said yes.
next school, another last minute assembly. i went 3rd school.
god said not possible, i got you. Dr. lilly de blue. superintendent of largest school district in arizona.
keynote speaker for last 5 years. suicide prevention, pay very well to bless them.
curriculum all over the schools, prob made half a million dollars from this relationship right here.
I'm so glad I didnt say you gotta pay me. i went to event, paid for books to get printed, to meet ben, go to event, baptize,(summary of the whole transaction).
Make sure you have your stuff together. Lilly said who is Jeremy? he sent her my website. she saw my branding and said wow. I trust him with my people.
I know his branding, message is good. but is his heart good? honored to speak, pro bono, its in me. Carla speaking at one of my events. we put you in stage.
Check out this testimonial.
TESTIMONY: helped me get my first check, 7k for 30 minute speech. send me a video.
Pre-call, demographics, purpose of event, is there a theme. What are pain points, what keeps you up at night? What do you struggle with? What's the culture like? What do you want me to share? Why did you book me as a speaker?
JEREMY: I told them my struggles, in family. look at the energy I'm giving you on a zoom call. huh?
I show up and show out. I don't just leave. I'm gonna stay behind at least 30 minutes. i treat people how I want to be treated.
-Gift from me on Tuesday. edible arrangement or local bakery. we hope these treats are as sweet as Jeremy's presentation
-ministered for months, 2 days later a huge hurricane came to the community.
-send holiday cards with me wife son and daughter. its personal now. you have booked me.
Personal, you make sure you put Jeremy in there. we hope it works out. you coming back.
Superintendent. i got more in a budget. send me some books? they want to spend with us because of relationships.
The work of speaking is ministry.
-Uber smoking, car smells horrible uber driver story. God said ppl are hurting too, not just audience.
-use pictures in flyers.
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