Investfest- ET, 19 KEYS, IDDRIS SANDU

Before this, panel :

Egypt and Anthony and another lady

They mentioned hiring your kids in LLC ($12,500 tax deduction). and administration functions work and one lady said her daughter manages her TikTok. She gets paid $20 an hour. they do content on Saturdays. and she told her 20% for taxes and 20% for retirement. 

-Agusta Rule: said 14 days out of the month you can do housing costs in your home or apartment when you are using it for business. you can do board meetings at home, have your minutes (documentation of everything said in the meeting). She paid 2,500 for her apartment for each day to film her content for her course. she put the money from her business account into her personal account. She charged 2,500 because that's the going rate in NY to have access to a space for a whole day. 

Egypt -said her 10 year old has an investment property. She had to do a trust and make her beneficiary. The property makes 11k a month. She makes her daughter pay the bills for the property. Don't think your kids are too young to learn these things. someone is going to have to teach them.

Anthony- Stop hustling. get a CPA, hire a business manager, pay your taxes. Stop hustling.  



1. (?)

2. build your team

3. be your authentic self- shirt and tie, I came out as ET. I can be a better ET than a copy of someone else. I was going to be in a room with billionaires and Warren Buffet. I went in my closet, what should I wear? But God spoke to me. You are going to change or are you going to show up as your authentic self? What message are you sending? I showed up as me, with brand new Jordans, brand new ET shirt and cap, 506s (I guess a denim brand). and I took that picture with Warren Buffet and they accepted me and they loved me for me. 

You broke because you got low self esteem. You gotta love yourself. You are a royal priesthood in a broken generation. 

Build your team, don't be scared to be you. 

I saw TI, I was there I paid respects to the Kinds but at no point did I say, 'I want to be you.'  I felt so good being ET. Are you ready to start feeling good about being yourself? I got some challenges, but you still royal. say it! I GOT NEXT! I GOT NEXT!

YOU need a system. Listen to what they are saying, pick your system. Your system is going to outlast you. If your business is personality driven

We went from speaking to real estate. to solar company. to trucking.  do I ,LLC non profit? who is going to be my coach?

Michael Jordan scored 63 points and still lost. triangle won 6 championships. I need a system. 

You gonna get into college, CPA, business partner. Don't be afraid to split your money. pay your taxes. start a foundation and create your system. 

***I gotta catch a plane*** so he spoke and he's leaving (he got the REAL conference). I'm surprised to see him out here. 


19 KEYS:


knowledge of self. I ask myself, what would God do? what would a genius do in this situation?

The people that have value, the money goes to them. we have been taught to chase the money. Charlemange the God- we have been waiting for this kind of leadership for a long time. 

I study myself, my brand, more confident human being. you have to put yourself in that position, to control your vision in the direction of where your life goes. 

19 keys, added to Earn your Leisure. Rashad: "Every time he speaks it sounds like poetry."

If you cant unite with 3-5 black men, you got an issue with yourself. If you cant unite with your queen, there is an issue with you.

People don't believe they deserve it. success more afraid because it comes with responsibility. 

Spreading excellence at high level. high level conversation (they keep saying that phrase bro).

(oh wow, he's in all red. I thought it would be black)

The highest level is ownership, you got focus no one can take away your mind thinking the thoughts

You want to ascend. our environment hasn't conditioned us to reach our highest profession.

We're going to have a beautiful conversation with a powerful and esteemed guest. 

We make the most popular the most important. not the architect in the building. today that changes.

Grammys of financial literacy. Grammys never taught me shit, never made me a dollar.

You change the generation of brothers to come. this is the best $147 I ever spent. I was tripping, doubting I should come today.

He has worked with Beyonce and JZ. brilliant minds. did partnership with Marcy venture, JZ. tech to bring blockchain to reality. Imagine you 

Ghana but grew up in Compton. we don't know the names of brothers like this, we do a disservice. look up all interviews and project he's involved in. pushing and validate these type of things in the culture, instead of the nigga frequencies that get pushed so much. 

Love Hip Hop and the rap game. Most valuable people are the ones that are teachin you how to raise your children, disrupt the slavery they have on us and build ownership.


19 KEYS: Constitution, men got together and wrote down laws. we have never been able to systemize our brilliance. there's no documentation. we have the power to write our history, and cannot be changed.

I've been shadow banned. people have lost their business. build something, own it, control it, and no one can take that away from us. we should all love. we can have a business and it can be taken away from us in a moment. 

I built my business utilizing Web2. He's the one that people higher up go to because they want a brilliant mind. 

Can we go a little bit into the ideas of Web 3?

IDDRIS SANDU:   Stuck with this dilemma. Keep having more 

Web3 is not the next phase of the internet. Web3 it changes the infrastructure of how the internet functions. Who here is familiar with user-generated content (IG, youtube) we are creating data that is documented and stored in centralized server around the world.

Web3 has a server base that all brands have servers for you. I can cross reference, write, read from this. It's transparency in ways that we have never seen it. Web2..let's ask a question. only pretty much only 1 thing you can own on the internet. Who wants to take a guess of what that is?


Where do you buy it? Squarespace, Godaddy. It's held by gatespeakers. What do the platforms allow you to do? Deploy domain on their server. When apps go down, we say the server is down.

With Web3, this infrastructure changes the game. You own the domain but also tokenized assets that can be physical or digital. You go from owning one thing (a domain in Web2) , to own a part of the internet(all the extra things in Web3) . PART OF THE INTERNET. 

Different ways for us to connect reality to the digital world. 

Go to a store, get a physical thing in return. With web based content, convince us to buy digital products... and thinking about NFTs which everyone has heard of, non fungible token. We have all heard of NFTs in the last 2 years.

You can have physical product you have today and put it on the blockchain. there's no universal metrics for documenting. The sign of wealth is owning an asset. Assets are what you have in your bank account. But what about your furniture/ the clothes you own. Imagine you put your wardrobe or your furniture in your home in the blockchain and people can buy it. 

19 keys:

They own your data, and they give you access to their servers. they also have control of your data, what to delete, how many people to get access to. That's total control. 

It's like rappers, they have no control of their IP (intellectual property). Same on Web2, they give us access to the platform, we lose control of our content (they can limit our viewership, how the data is distributed, and whether or not our pages get shut down).

Then you get to collect a tip like a waiter, on your own content. 

We have seen generation struggle following lead of the existing infrastructure.. we the new generation, go to a website,  we get a cookie, data is how the web makes all their money. 

Manage your IP, web3 is for creators and owners and developers.

You can directly sell your content. You won't get a single dollar out of it.

Country wane, get million views, competing with top people on the world. He went over to Youtube (when they stopped monetizing his content). 

If people can't access your content, Web3 says you own the platform. We're gonna create a server for you, a social media platform. Whatever you create on it, you own it. If I open Walmart, you can own it and keep all your money. today the idea is I open a Walmart, you put your product on it, and  later I will create a tool for you to monetize and a lot of people like your brand.

Tools are merging, let the creators to build. 

You have a company called SPACIAL LABS. tell us more about it and the mission.

Company I started 2 and a half years ago. I've been in tech companies since 13. AR, this is going to be the future. blockchain, digital products, body metrics, and we put all these things under one (umbrella?)/

All in one platform to educate them on the blockchain. if i get off this stage, (audio goes out).. i'm confident 

We are deploying different tools. whether you are a programmer, or (?) there is a space for you in this world. Give more people access to what you do very well. 

19 keys: 

China building a blockchain for their country. We are waiting for the govt, or we wait for them to build it (a tech company) so then we become big in the new technology.

I just built a DAO. It's a community business. every single person in here, we can do a shared company, unless you are a very large owner of that share you don't have a say so, you can only listen on the calls. Everyone knows about the stock market, whole new economy. smart contracts, 

Look towards the future, build towards the future, you will be wealthy in the future. 

YOU UNDERSTAND ME? you're supposed to say 'I understand'


I was teaching myself how to code at 12 years old. studying architect, outdated technologies. 

Every time it sold to someone else, I get a dividens, I get paid.

imagine with physical product. create pottery, furniture, etc. every time it sells, is et a percentage. we are introducing is a method of wealth 

Our goal at SPACIAL LABS is to open up those doors. I don't want to be a coder, and all this things. CODER IS A CREATOR. 

Steve jobs got on stage at 8. Apple creates a software infrastructure and it works in all of their hardware. 

Windows, updates every couple of years. Tesla, makes car, own their batteries, cars have their operating batteries called OS.

Peloton acquired a company and they make their bike as well as the operating system the bikes run on. 

We have never been on software level, we are always on the hardware level. 

We can say, let me launch this network, well whos' making the TV?

19 keys: Connect you to your entire audience and anyone who have ever bought anything from you. high level, you may not understand them now 9(the terms discussed). The point is to have a conversation that you can then look up the terms introduced and look up and study on your own time.

Broke means its not working. I'm giving you new working models and we are in time of building. recession is something that lives in the mind. time of building, like the wealthy think. 12 million people in America. There's 12,000 people here. listening here for financial liberation. We need to get part of is, the black family. Do a smart contract between each other. It's hard to trust family but family is the most important people in the world to trust. 

People say don't do business with family, I say do business with family because families run the world. What would you create that last a thousand years?Not just products but systems. 

He has physical products ready to go. Consultants and developers get paid the most. If you put your thousand hours, coding and learning the technologies. 

They (your kids and also yourself) can be the developers of the future. I want them to be familiar with these concepts. You are not too old, unlocking your previous thoughts and unlock new thoughts. high level observations. Spark your interest into the now. How do we maintain profits? 

We made a million (or billion? not sure) dollars last year. Rashad dad, we are producing an asset class. knowledge, family, the system and we have holistic wealth. It has to be spiritual. Get our souls right, high level man and women where we value our principle. Any thought process, you would absorb it and go into the future. I'm 19 Keys, I'll see you next time. 





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