The JEREMY ANDERSON- We saved the best for last. We got something special for all of you.
Ya'll willing to do whatever it takes. I've been privileged to travel all over the world for my speaking. Everybody has a powerful story. public speaker or professional speaker, you got message and story inside your heart I want you to come in and support you there.
Little boy standing on corner, waiting for the bus to pick him up. old man said 'you gotta come down this black where this actual bus stop where it picks you up.'
boy said; I'm gonna stand right here.
old lady; are you waiting for the bus?
yes mam
old lady: the bus is going to actually pick you up over here up the street.
One of the friends he went to school. boy said I get it but I'm gonna stay right here. ok man, but bus
bus stopped, he came and picked him up. old lady, older man, little homeboy say how did you know? that the bus driver was going to stop and pick you up. the bus driver told me to stay right here. the bus driver is my father. and he told me this is where I want you to be. this is where I want to pick you up.
The problem you might be experiencing is you are trying to do what everyone is doing. Father said there is something special that I have put aside for you. I want you tapped in with me. it may not look like everyone else is doing. you are uniquely you. you have been created and designed a certain way.
You let the world know. this is what wealth look like. this is what success looks like.
You came for game, for knowledge for insight.
Slutty vegan- their marketing, it's organic.
You walk with that authority. You walk with that challenge.
"coming on opposition.
Creator is getting you ready, stronger. gym working out. they have to go through a process.
Man, the divorce, the foreclosure, the family disfunction, the drama, the anxiety, the depression.
Don't quit. keep showing up, taht what me and my wife did.
I do the same thing over and over again and I'm believing for a different result.
How many heard that voice, man I'll never be able to do those type of numbers. Not that you believe it, but you heard that voice. When we see the success we want that but we don't know, it's not as easy as it looks. but it's possible. You gotta believe. You gotta believe what's possible for us.
Listen to me beloved, you gotta believe. I look at people successful. we both human. if you can do it, we can do it. it's possible for you, possible for me.
I wasn't always in this space. father not in my life. 10 years battle alcohol abuse. I know all about failure. I want to be a new creature. best version of me I can be. I began to grow from there.
I thought ppl got As and Bs, had two parents went to college, got married waited 3 years then had children. If I humble myself and put the work in, i could get the results to.
So beautiful and so powerful. dot reach potential because they get comfortable. put 40 kids through college in South Africa. lot of kids have the grades, don't have the money to go to college.
I'm ready to go all in. live below my means. more disciplined. watch with my eyes see. block the negative stuff. get game and insight that i'm supposed to get.
This room feels like a revolution. it feels like excellence, a transformation. Only in Atlanta can a room like this happen.
I'm the 7th black mayor in Atlanta. Whole lot of wealth in ATL. legal profession, technology, entertainment, and (?)
highest income immobility. highest income
Opportunity for us to grow, scale, survive. That is the goal of Investfest. opportunity of a lifetime.
ATL says 'we're full'. no we are full of potential, of opportunity, of success, of influence. people like Tyler Perry, Steve Harvey, biggest developers are back here to talk to you.
Mr. Tyell Hayes, VP of (?)
What we know to be true. the building of wealth for our community has to be built. it would not be given to us. very thoughtful about how do we come in for the space that we come in for us.
creating of black equity. show up and.. how do we be black and something else.
one of my best experiences was to go to a black college. choice from Virginia. i would tell people i got accepted to H(?) old people's faces would light up. i said that must be something special. i need to be in a space that values me.
these are classes, elders to usher this amazing space of equity. so proud to be in this journey with ya'll. We were founded on black equity. we stand on black love, black power, black power and black joy.
Mothers day we gave 50k away.
20 mil we raised, given to black people for rent assistance. partnering with black artist and did 8 murals. black dreams flourish on Baltimore too. very committed to that.
20,000 to someone in this room, to start your business.
TYLER PERRY, no one is doing it bigger than Tyler Perry.
Bring him out:
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