Auris Birthday Day. This is 37

 I made it

Here in NJ. took a walk, came back. Alaka, Onicka and baby greeted me and sang to me and Onicka hugged me and said the nicest things. It was so touching.

Onicka made cinnamon bread, ( 3 slices) wonderful eggs with tomatoes and grapes in a plate. I got myself some water. 

The route I took today actually led me to a park. All these years in NJ I had no idea what was here, In the Oranges. My life took place in Bayonne, NJ and NY with my friends. and New Brunswick for school. It was silly to stay in that town after that. It didn't have much to offer. But it did have a good school.

Was it my plan? did it matter? I did what was expected.

Now it's my turn, to live, on my terms, yeah.

Culinary school in Austin they have a plant-based program. and 6 week farm to table, how to farm. Exactly what I want!

and Jamaica got 2 years of law school also learn taxes (international taxes).

I want to go, come back to the States more valuable. That would be so dope. 

Andre, I forgive you for your inconsistency and lying and wasting one of my young best years. I didn't give the dating apps a change. I wanted to meet my person face to face. Well, I met you. and You chased me, oh boy. I didn't know you already had your heart and body committed to others. Like that lawyer girl you would tell me she was a lawyer and she was your 'friend.' You abused my trust and I am angry. I will go on this rant and let it go and stop me from thinking of this thing again. It doesn't help that all songs talk about a love and you are unfortunately the only reference I have.

And Angel. He was young. The others the color doesn't paint as strong.

I was thinking of them in my walk.

But there is the culinary school opportunity in Austin that sounds super exciting and being able to explore the things that I already like. the school in Jamaica. Spend time spending time on things that will get you your perfect future.

eating fruits, eating fresh, going to school. 



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