Card Details APRs
1. Chase
Balance $3,947 at 0% until 3/2023
Purchases are also 0% until 3/2023
Chase regular APR is 25.24
due date on 18th
$40 minimum payment
2. DCU
81 minimum payment
due 5th
4,623 on 0% until (?) I think its next month,, August. (call and check)
APR is 12 (was lower change in 6.22. It was prev 11.5)
12.75 11th of August will be date 0% rate expires. 12.75% apr.
***Need to pay this off ASAP**
3. Discover
Balance $10,300 at 18.49 APR
(before was 17.99 APR )
due 18th
Now minimum is $180
139 in fees right? Check that.
yes, in interest. in a month! rather have that in money coming in, not money coming out.
that debt is expensive. so take that off the top, 10k to discover. then what?
Discover boom, open and ask for credit line increase after get collection account off.
10k there, leaves 5k. Can I get car with that? or Airbnb asset?
Need some credit to acquire and furnish. how about do they check credit to acquire airbnb?
***Stop bleeding***
4. 2 American Express cards, haven't used them yet.
5. Paused my Hooked on Phonics subscription.
**Gotta get all those books together and go over it with Alex.**
for today, do dresser.
6. Talked to Jane, cant pray anymore.
The last time I wrote to her all the stuff that was going on What'app.
she's not available for that. its too many details and too much stuff. she cant be there for that.
i dont feel bad about it, i'm just gonna try and not reach out to her about that.
i feel like i go through this all the time, you got a little tid bit but it doesn't deny what she feels and needs.
I need to find a way to get my needs met without relying so much on people. but its been a life high school i read a lot and cleaned and i wasnt traumatized yet from the hospital. I was calm.
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