last night i was on a live, there was this young guy
he had a beard. he spoke intellectually
I was, of course, instantly attracted
isnt that how the whole thing with angel started?
I went to his page, sure enough yeah he was young. what, 20s? his style was
who knows
and then i thought of my BOA manager when i showed him
this guy i liked in college
he said we have a person that looks just like that
and he pointed out the person i currently liked on the job
and i thought then after that,
the article i read where a father picked out a partner for his girl
i'm sure there were more qualifications than
'he's cute' or whatever hormones say to your brain
and i thought of when you date someone young
you naturally have to be in the leader role
so you have placed someone in the role
who is imcompetent
and then its up to you to help them lead
and once again, you are in a 'helping' role again
and tha's why you dont date when you can't
because you dont want to give when you yourself can hardly breathe
I then remembered when I liked quiet guys,
but did i actually ever date a quiet guy?
I think James was, but he turned out to be an asshole and a liar.
koay that's enough
i keep looking at the past trying to find patterns and lessons
and my mind goes there
let the pull of the future
future pull you
business owner, dream with guy that looked like Fusey
I gave him a chance but he quickly took himself out of the running
i hate when a guy doesnt show interest or call right away with the cell number
in their hand. nope
i like a more aggressive guy, knows what he wants
and i like that i read this woman, she has her own farm
she said what she realized she wanted
and that was okay for her
and i thought of how we pressure people to be in relationships
but what if we don't want? and that's ok?
I thought the other day
go join a gym
meet a young guy
to like you, and fit body
and we will have fun
light, nothing serious
but then I thought
is that my old habits? using someone?
having an agenda? liking a certain type?
and am I okay to date someone to then leave the state and leave them behind
but it was a silver of hope
a, hey let me try out this thing.
he'll have a car. give me rides sometimes. and friendly.
it was a thought. this is a collection of thoughts.
maybe my mind is trying to see
the possibility of me being with someone, a guy,
being around guy energy
open doors, pay for shit energy
the way Angel used to do
it was fun, I was lonely, he wasnt capable to be there
when i fell apart
i gave him the position, he left and broke my heart
that was the past
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