How to incorporate 'play' into my life?
1. have a piano, all white. (less than $400)
can learn to play piano, and sing along
2. swim with dolphins, please do that. bahamas. little Auris loved dolphins.
3. live in a place where fresh fruits are all around. healthy eating is easy.
4. have a garden? maybe? grow food. I want fresh fruit.
5. have friends that enjoy my company.
6. be more pleasing to others. maybe work on that comedy thing.
7. write my play
8. speak publicly (why, i think I can be good at it. and I welcome the challenge)
9. Be a millionare (again, the challenge) master the money thing
10. Help others, pass on what I have learned. (Worldwide non-profit)
11. Live in a place with a pool. I love combining water with fresh air, one of my favorite things to do.
If live up north, has to be indoor pool. Yes.
12. Keep putting protein mask in hair. apparently, my hair looks defined when I do. all this moisture made it lose its curl pattern.
13. Have a car, me being able to get in and go to different places is amazing. Me going to the beach in a Jeep was always an experience I wanted. I also wanted to try that thing where you camp out of your car ( no lodging cost). And be able to hike and have an adventure with my kid by my side.
Best ideas:
Piano at home.
Nanny (so that i can travel to conferences and I don't have to cook everyday, home can be a place of rest)
Car (being able to go on adventures like camping, going to the beach, having those options)
Besides Alex, all I have is goals.
Focus on being happy now, doing things now to make me happy (besides doing dishes and taking a walk in the beginning of the day. Now I have night time if I stay up.) Trying to figure it out.
Why I love Neo?
It's like he got it figured out. He has the becoming great, and the helping others part. But he doesnt hide, he shines. He pushes and then he tells you how to do it.
He's awesome. and he invited me to join in his team. That was wild.
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