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She was exited about it. you cant tell someone that you don't like their dream. you don't like their desire.  that is what they want to do.

Also, where I live I am 10 minutes away from a horse stable. It costs $30.

Sometimes the things we want we don't accomplish because we are not in an environment where its close. 

Most of us want to travel. but our weeks are filled with 5 to 6 days of work, church commitment and family obligations.

My Thailand trip will cost me around to become a citizen, 1.2k for the ticket, then whatever money once I get there.  or I can convince someone to pay me to fly there. easy. 

I saw Rihanna do practice and I thought she really loves it, because this looks like a lot of work. lol. 

India Arie IG, same. I was like this is not glamorous as they make it seem. They gotta travel, sleep in hotels or big buses in uncomfortable close quarters.

It's work. Yes they make a song and a video then they travel everywhere promoting it. 

Did you know your dreams are going to take work? Do you still want to do it?


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