Neo Davis LIVE 1.7.21

Do an audit, what are you spending your time one. what have you been listening to?

I do one of these every day.

phone conversations. text for the day. 

Whatever you tune into you turn into. 

Tune into people that are winning. if you tune into hate, gossip, you are going to turn into those things.

Mindset- focus on profit task and productivity task.

I wrote out list of all my different products I have. I focus on my products that I have.

I need to identify. which one of these task should i be focusing on the most?

Out of everything I do. what makes me the most money and what makes me the most happiest?

What gives me more time freedom? 

happiest, writing and 

Junk removal, too time consuming. 500 dollars with 2-3 different employees. walk home with $50, $100 for myself, after working 8 to 12 hours. I started to hate what I was doing. 

Example, my ebook. right. I love it. I only wrote it one time. I had 1,089 dollars. when I woke up. everyone should be focused on creating a digital product that you can generate passively.  You don't have to exchange time to do it.

MWA, minimum wage activities. focus on what they are and delegate them. 

Doing laundry and going to Walmart takes up the most time. takes me a day then i come back super tired and watch TV the rest of the day to relax then order (spend $$$ on food).

Focusing on things that you are weak in. you need to delegate those things. for me, I suck at most things. I'm good at 2 to 3 things and I focus my time and energy and effort.

I'm good at singing. effortless. and writing, lot of effort. but more thinking and downtime more than anything else. 

I got a producer, made the beats. I hired a designer to do the cover. I didn't write all the email. write all the sales copy. the producer also came up with the title. i focused on marketing, getting into the hands of customers. what can you delegate? one of my businesses we have. we provide virtual assistants for busy entrepreneurs.  work 20 to 40 hours a week. some of the tasks are money making tasks. 

I do not spend time on things that I am not good at. get good at delegating and allowing other people to do it. next. 

High income skills. pay you from $100 to $1k an hour. $100 an hour. 8 hours, $800 for the day. some make $1k an hour. After 8 hours, that's 8k. you chose on how much time you want to work. how much money do I need to live on?

3k a month. thriving, eating out. taxis, Jamaican restaurant and money for courses. 

live on $400 a month. $200 for expenses. $200 for petty money. 

One of my rules in finance. Never spend more than what you make. very simple rule.  I am doing exactly that. If I make $300 a day. you cant spend $301. I've never in a day spend more than what I make. so I'm going backwards. unless its on our business or advertising.

Make conscious decision to get into around the people that are excellent. I went to every conference and event, that you can think of. I studied them. picked up gems from everyone. Grant Cardone, Russell Brunson. I consumed the information. it opens up your mind to I want more. if you are hanging around with people that they are all doing better than you, you are going to go out here and crush it. I spent the most money in personal development than I ever had. 

55k. I wired over 53k to be a part of this new mastermind. is it a lot of money? 1 monthly call and we get to meet in February for 2 days. we get to meet in March for 2 days. I'm gonna be able to extract gems and I'll be able to make my money back instantly. 

Once you invest in yourself, you get to keep that information. they cant take that information back from me. I'm looking for the slight edge. you might join a group that's 1k a month. whatever can help you become better. 1 or 2 things that I can use that could change the game for me. 


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