Who am I? Who are you? Are you pretending, just like I am too? Then there is a pair of us, don't tell!!! Then they will know, then they will see... Just like Adam saw Eve and they hid because they saw that they were naked and were ashamed. So why are we ashamed? To be who we are? Why do we settle? To please others at the compromise of ourselves. Why, oh why, does this tale go this way? Like Don Quijote, I've been searching for adventures, but no worries hasn't taken me 700 pages to get to it. I am still walking through this life and today I made a choice: I will not compromise, just like my roomate Faith would say 'Never settle for less.' Because when you settle oh boy, t he good thing you were waiting for, now you won't get it. But when you refuse to settle you are walking along this road and then one day ...
When I was in college, there was something called 'hooking up.' I'm not sure if people still use the term now, but back then it was an inconspicuous term. It could mean anything. When you asked your roommate, 'so what happened between you and the guy last night?' And she would reply 'We hooked up.' It could mean anything from first base all the way up to home run. It could mean a kiss, it could mean that they did it raw. Who knows? You would have to ask a series of follow-up questions to get to the bottom of what happened. I find it interesting in today's day and age the way women and men treat each other. Seems like no one wants responsibility. Where are the good men that stay until the morning and call the next day? Where are the good women that can cook and keep a house? Does anyone know what do to after the hook up? It seems to me like our culture and hip-hop songs glamorize the temporary pleasures of sex without menti...
This time of the year is feeling lonely. I cut off my hair and joined a gym. Am tired from lack of sleep. This is the new scandal: Manuel is not the father. Say What??? So I stayed up last night and we talked about it. He took it well (just like the first time) but he keeps the door open, then one that I have closed. Waiting patiently for my husband. I'm already 29. God take your time don't want to rush like before. Just want to sleep and feel more than lonely when I walk the streets. Baby crying in my ear, I'm tired. Applying for jobs and going outside in the coldest winter ever, with a baby and a stroller and getting yelled at by my mother who wants me to keep the baby (and therefore myself) inside all the time. But all the things I want are outside my comfort zone so go figure. Life, what do you have? Love, when will you come? I've stopped idolizing you and am settling for this feeling when I'm alone walking the streets. Baby is so sweet but I just w...
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