Toastmasters Bring your dreams closer: It's easier than you think

Welcome, Toastmaster Gray, members and esteemed guest. 

My name is Auris Arias and I my speech title is: Bring your dreams closer, it's easier than you think. 

Yesterday my friend rode a horse for the first time

It's something she wanted to do for very long

I was not exited but she was, because it was her desire

I got on it with my son at the end and she said you are not scared I said no. No, let him go faster then I'll get some excitement!

And it made me think, why is this is a big deal for her and not for me? and I thanked God that the surprise that I had set up for her was actually a life long desire she had. I live 10 minutes away from a horse staple. I have lived here for 2 years and have never gone. To be honest, I didn't know about it but someone mentioned it while I was at a taxi ride. 

My friend was visiting so I created different experiences and things we could do together as she said she wanted to do something every day. 

The revered Earl Nightdale wrote: "The beginning of success starts with desire."  So today I want to ask you, what do you desire? 

Do you know? If I gave you 5,000 dollars right now what would you do with it? Will you go to Japan?  Will you go on a shopping spree to your favorite store? Will you go swim with Dolphins in the Bahamas? (no that's me,  Bahamas is the best place to do it if you are going to do it) 

My friend had a desire to ride a horse. I have a desire to swim with dolphins. Years went on and we never did it and the only reason I could conclude was because we were not close to it. So as you see, the title of my speech today is called: Bring your dreams closer: It's easier than you think. 

My friend was able to ride a horse and go to a gun range (both less than 10 minutes from my house) because as you all know, I now live in for the past 2 years. And in Georgia, specifically where I live, it's close by. And it didn't cost a lot. It was $30 for an hour of her riding a horse with a lesson from the  instructor.

 The gun range? All they wanted was $12 and free time on Saturday. There was this book I read years ago, and I still have in my bookcase today. ::show book::

It is titled 'the 4 hour work week'. In it, Timothy Harris was shocked how cheap some experience were in Thailand and other travels around the world. He realized people wanted to become millionaires due to the freedom it provided. He figured out that that's a lie. You can live in that freedom now, you don't have to wait.

That brings me to my vision board. One of the activities me and my friend did during this trip was create a vision board. I made a post about it on my Instagram. and in the vision board ::show vision board::

I have snorkeling, I have adventure. If you come to my house, you will see beach theme is everywhere. But I thought about it and, I've gone to the beach 5 times in the last 22 years. Mostly because I didn't have a car to drive there and the beaches in NJ have cold water and I like the hot water beaches that I grew up with like in Dominican Republic. 

I want to swim with dolphins. I want to go snorkeling apparently. I spend every morning immersed in water. Can you imagine if I actually lived close to a beach? Or owned a house by a lake (like my dream home). How much closer would I be to my desires, to my dreams?

I want you to think about what you want. If you have no idea what you would do with $5,000 that would be a good place to start. Is there a travel destination that you always wanted to go? How about a neighborhood you wanted to live in? You can start spending Saturdays there or rent a hotel in that neighborhood with the family. Get closer to your dreams. Bring them closer and move if you have to. It's worth it. You are worth it. 

I bring the floor back to Toasmaster _______. 



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