What were you doing at 5? Toastmaster

 I heard my high school teacher said, when we are 5 that is when we are truly ourselves.

So it makes me think, what were you doing at 5? What was I doing at 5?

Do i even remember being 5? Think about it.

I hear that I was a blonde. Yes, its true!

So when I had a blonde baby, I....yes, I was still shocked, not going to lie.

I carried my birth certificate for a year just to prove that he was my kid, I saw him with my own two eyes that he came out of me.

No baby being switched, not over here. We are not going to be on Oprah in 20 years and he is going to be talking to his blonde mother and the black haired mother that raised him. Oprah is going to be wrinkly as raisin, interviewing us. She'll say 'You get a car, you get a car,, you get a.... I can't see you.... I get some glasses!'

So at 5, I hear that I was a blonde. My aunt claims she breastfed me a couple of times. Weird thing to hear as an adult, who breastfed you. 

I may not remember much when I was 5, so let's talk about who you were at 10. Between 6 to 8, let's say. The era of my memories which have no date attached to them.

I remember acting like a drunk. That was what I was known for. In the island of Dominican Republic, we went to school for 4 hours a day. We would be home at noon for lunch. Then we would eat, take turns doing dishes between me my sister and my cousin. 

Nights the 100 degree weather would die down, we would go outside, right outside the house. and I had kids in the neighborhood, right next door. The girls and I we would act. I would be a nun. or a drunk. But I was the best drunk. That was my go to.

In that era, a lady came to my town and told us she's going to teach us how to model. She made us walk. She said my sister was a natural. I got no comment. (act it out)

I also had a birthday party. I don't remember what age. I think it was 10. everyone was there! kids from the neighborhood, my dad, my family. and I sang! I got to sing! I don't even remember what song. But I sang my heart out! and I was so happy that I had an audience! 

Then afterwards, I remember a dinner with my mom. There was a guy with an accordion. I thought it sounded amazing. it was like a piano and a horn put together. I loved it. I asked him if we could do something together (look me, already having the courage to ask to perform). and my mother was there and I got up and we picked a song we both knew, and we sang for this whole party. It was a whole bunch of adults and I was this little girl and the guy played his accordion and we sounded amazing.

I also was a dancer. Me and my aunt and my cousin and my sister would go and sneak into parties, pretend we were invited. eat the food and then join the dance competition. I was very shy. my aunt pushed me join, she said, show them what I taught you.

I joined with her pushing me, I danced with a boy and before you knew it, I won! It was a big deal.

So I acted, danced, sang and modeled. And guess what? in college, I did all those things (except acting). Every event that had a stage, I was on it. What you need? singer, poet, model? I was there and I became known to do it and I would get calls for people doing events for me to go ahead and do the events. 

I sought stages because in high school I was denied a stage. In college, I actively pursued them. And I am in the process of creating my own stage, in my living room. 

William Shakespeare- the world is a stage. we are just actors in it.

I implore you to think of yourself between the ages of 5 to 10. What are you doing at 5? 6? 10?

who were you, what interested you, what made you curious. go back to that. Go back to you. You knew more than you think you do. 


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