Him500 Credit to Cash class

Marcus Barney raking leaves. He sold stuff on craigslist. made 2k. He picked up shoe cleaner, tried to sell it. I was trying to sell air force 1s on craigslist. Do delivery. make 2k on craigslist to 3-4k a week by adding delivery.

I said, let me go back to school.  I need a solid job, I started working at Sprint. They taught me to fix cell phones. In real estate, I was in sales. 

Sprint taught me customer service under a big brand and a name we had to stand on. They taught me to excel cell phones. i went back to craigslist, how can I repair cell phones. How can I do it outside? I built my own brand. It was Mr. Glass. (that's when Iphone had glass). I would come to you. I would drive and repair my phone at your home. I bought the parts off Ebay. 

Left Sprint and left school. I am going over 10k a month off cell phones. opened kiosk in the mall. I partner and we open boost mobile store together. I'm 23 years old. we get into a franchise. I had liquid cash and he had net worth. we go into business together. I learn corporate business. You don't have the option to be flexible and be creative.

business got bad. We couldn't make money. city by university of west Georgia. it tanks out on me. i have to refigure out. I'm evicted form my condo. Mercedez Benz truck and it gets repossessed. I'm a point where I'm sleeping at sisters house in an air bed. true story. while sleeping on air bed, I get introduced to guys that does tax offices. 

I don't have funds to get introduced. I start working at a warehouse. I am looking to what I want to do, to get to the tax office. it introduced me back to life and money. people live paycheck to paycheck and they are okay with it. they got a good retirement plan, I'll work here for 40 years me and my family will be set. that was some people's lives. everybody wasn't privileged to be exposed to the things that I was exposed to and not everybody had that drive.

I have to stop doing things strictly for money. I have to connect with people. 10k in savings working at warehouse. I gave it away, 10k. I created Atlanta cause. this year I bought no one nothing. Atlanta cause. bottom of page, that's when I rebuilt myself. I had to rebrand my self, my heart, my integrity, what my goals are. I wanted to bring joy into people. when they get paid, one guy fell in hard times. power that money can have. it can improve their situation it doesn't have to be a lot. 

Let me get back into money. went and worked at Wells Fargo. I would be of service to people. to provide financial services. banking system i was looking at it differently. it wasn't in people's favor. we will give you a business credit card but not a business loan. credit card interest rate is higher. 

I got connected with tax guy. worked with people's credit. I'm here now. I start dealing with credit. learning and leveraging my own credit. how beneficial is credit for me? I always did nice lifestyle. I'm stuck with house payments and car payments drain funds when business goes slow. strictly independent. how do we get to a point where we can live the life we want but don't put too much strain on our business?

I figured out how to pay for groceries and toiletries. get back into vehicles. I had to find a way to creatively purchase vehicles. How do I get this now?

User credit for things that are liabilities in your life. Desires you can't accomplish. this time is time where we need to work. work on us, chisel down our mindset. best time to sharpen up. nothing to do but invest in self. I'm not able to go out and read, study and get my credit together. understanding what my credit report should look like. i can use credit as an asset. for those who don't already have good credit. 

Which credit cards you need to get? use benefits to your advantage. These are the things that we need to take advantage of. banks don't want to hold back on funds. take advantage of it. they want to cut interest rates. take advantage of it. most of you don't have 6 months of savings to be able to live off of. 

What is credit? You ability to pay, over a period of time. most people look at a score and not the data points.  You need to know what your credit report should look like. 100 payment history. sometimes you do have late payments. everyone out there has student loans. If they come out of deferment. now you get 13 late payments in one month. payment history is going to take a drastic dip right? what do we do to actually correct that? were you properly notified? have they checked that they have the proper contact information on file? what you want to do? file complaint with cpb. governs the credit bueros. 

You have to dig deep. do research. file complaint of not being notified that your loan was coming out of foreberance. you weren't properly notified. they are not as super damaging when it comes to applying for new credit. credit utilization is super impactful. most say never use more than 30%. different is 20 to 30 doesn't have a positive effect. over 20 percent, downgrade on credit report. 10 to 20 doesn't move. 1 to 9 percent actually benefit your credit report. 

You want to have that rate under. you can use tradelines to offset it. use the points. you can, it will improve your overall utilization. but if you are over on cards, its still bad (me saying that). when they take deep dive, still be judged on credit cards that you will hold. be mindful of this. its so important that you will hide credit utilization. collecting accounts, charge off, missed payments. Anything negative is a derogatory mark. a lot of us deal with these hospital bills. what do we do? how do we get these removed?

Most people don't know that it's violation to put hospital bills on your credit report. HIPPA violation, use it to remove those off your credit report. It wasn't clarified and specific on which letter to use. in financial literacy course, I am constantly improving on whatever it is that you need built out in module form. A lot of people don't know why they have derogatory marks on their credit report. when you send a dispute. certain information that you get privy too. companies verifying the information behind the credit buraus. 7-8 companies. solely built out to do so for credit bureaus .

SageStream, LexusNexxus, they house information behind the scenes. To benefit your credit report.  They can't verify. Paly with credit bureaus. how can I play with this computer system? if I opt out, take out their behind the scenes information? When I send dispute letter, a computer read it. Increase chances by writing a handwritten letter. backdate it for 2 weeks. 2 weeks letter, send a 30 day comply letter. You must remove it. 

We need to understand. when it comes to removing the derogatory marks. How do I get that history if I remove the bad accounts? List of 25 different types of accounts almost. some of them help you build out history.  easiest is tradelines, authorized user accounts. 

Your grandmother has 20 year old credit card. you go, I don't have a lot of history but my grandmother does. she adds you on as authorized user. get payment history and credit utilization. Imagine having a credit cared that you can help other people with an you charge them a fee. Charge 350, increase to get rental property, a mortgage, get 35k in funding, better APR on vehicle, furniture. you already have the asset in your pocket. $650. add 10 people, 6500 dollars. only stay for 90 days. 

Only need to be on that report for 90 days to establish their new accounts. from there, they are on their own. while adding them on as a authorized user. never get access to your credit card.  It's only for credit reporting only. creating a new income stream. build your credit. so many people interested in finance. 

Create a community where we benefit from each other. Imagine if you did that, only leave them on your card for 60 days, stays on their account for 90 days. 

If you have 2 credit cards, you are at 80k. Off a potential liability in your pocket, converting into an  asset. Potential to make 80 grand. I got 50% of what I was expecting. You make 40k. 

Understand the average household income is 51,000 dollars. You making more than that over something that is in your pocket without having to go into debt. Type of mindset that we need to have. Build a relationship, right? I went real deep. How do you get credit cards that give you the most authorized users?

How to set up a tradeline business, i teach . Deal with risk management. Which credit card companies are best to add 10 users. how do i protect myself, how do i grow it and scale it. These are the things that I went out and did. Understand the rules of the banks. Navy Federal, gives us a lot of money. everyone should have a navy federal just due to that they give large limits. KeyBank. Large lines with decent established credit reports. 

Only military. Get 15 to 25k. Loophole if grandparent and deceased, no longer need to provide his military id. If subpar credit report, 640. credit card with Navy Federal getting 25k credit card from Navy Federal. Everybody should be in position to trying to obtain. You see them getting 25,000. 

5-7 cars with only 1 to 2 inquiries. These are the type of things that you need to know, for free. You don't need to hit every single one. You could have 1-2 years age of history. not too many inquires in last 6 months. I'm giving you guys the blueprint. Let me finish this so that you can go tactical. How do we buy groceries and things like that? 

Get 10 positive accounts. How? Get creative. Large list of accounts that you can build on. Student loans are negative when you are applying for mortgage. they come with multiple accounts. these multiple accounts positively affect your credit report. so many accounts, get payment history and age here. and increasing total number of accounts. 

I removed 60k worth of debt from her credit report in student loans. we got the results. I got tagged from her. I am getting referrals. Nope. I didn't analyze her report, all she had was student loans. she had a secured card with 3 missed payment. When I remove, she had a 513. pissed.  He lowers my score, after I got credit repair lol. 

I got people with 690. 20 percentile. you get approved with more than people with 740. 20 year old, authorized user on parents. 732, cant get approved for a lick. can't get anything. couldn't finance a sanitizer. lol. but people that have built out credit 700 plus, lines of credit. 

If you get here, life changes, drastically. 10 positive accounts you need to get to. Be creative. I'm gonna give you more. tradelines, get 2 tradelines. Rental Karma. Report your rent. Most people are renting and landlord doesn't report credit report. doesn't help your ability to pay. 3rd party companies if landlord verifies that you are renting from them, we can report to credit bueare for you. report 2 years of good history. 

I need to add a car to my credit report (to help credit mix). How do I make it make sense? you are in building stage. Make something out of nothing and take it to beyond. and take off with it?

Swap-a-lease, listen for $167 you can have a Smartcar report to your credit report. you get a primary on your credit report. That's a steal! that's still not good. I need to make money off of everything. I don't pay for anything! Something needs to pay for it. I'm now financing a car for $167 times 17 months. Let's get the numbers right. Give me one second, its $2839. That's how much you are going to have to pay. What happens is, you are getting approved for 2800 loan. We are recession proof. 

A lot of entrepreneurs are on this call. How do we make this pay for itself? 167 is car note for month. I'm gonna promote your business for $12 a day I'm going to put promotions for your business in a metro city. Can I put your business on my driver door? Would you pay me $167 a month? for 12 hours a day guaranteed it's going to be driven around the city. Reach out to another entrepreneur. I need another business on my passenger door. One more entrepreneur, willing to advertise. Put your contact information. Follow me for boom! Cake walk. 167 dollars for back of my vehicle. 167 dollars times 3. Calculator, $501 dollars a month. still not enough for me. So many people here. Do you have family member that is 21 to 23? a college student? Someone that needs to build an income? for 167 a week you can drive my vehicle. in metro Atlanta for 8 to 12 hours a day. don't worry about the insurance. now 167 times 4 weeks in a month. is 668 dollars. monthly win of $1169. Just off one car. Bro!!!

Mindset to build credit. When I first got started, let me get back to my other phase. So many things taught me, learning how to network. connecting multiple streams. putting them together. important of these calls. Be knowledgeable. Get to 17 positive accounts. Removing inquiries. Teaching you guys. Financial literacy course. Credit, building it and builds up your security instead of going into debt.

Credit I can use now, liquidate and hold the cash. And I'm making money off my credit cards by selling tradelines. I'm using the money to invest. Now is the perfect time. interest rate now at 7 percent. If you don't own a home, go get it now. Interest rates are through the roof. What could you do with 15k? 20K? increase your ability to go and get involved in real estate. or go into trucking. they have to keep rolling right now. actually grown mentally. Pick from here, collect all the benefits. Take credit, and get into making your own trucking company. How to start trucking company with no truck, without a CDL.  

You can use credit to pay utility bills. Bu materials off your credit card. rehab loan pays you. you collect reward points. the way you can go into an app, do a split payment at apple. ask for refund, I want full refund on my debit card. half on debit card, half on credit card. American Express doesn't know hat you got a refund.  You liquidated that credit card for free. Now you got this cash off your credit card, liquid. Understanding how do I go out and liquidate my credit cards? Now I got cash set aside, I go and get loans for little to no money. cashflow is ready to go off credit cards. If I go invest it in real estate, I go hide my credit utilization. Especially at this 0 percent interest rate right now. Listen. 

I'm gonna repeat it back. liquidate with split payment method. now you can use the money to go and invest in real estate. sell tradelines and have that money come back to you. that money works on your real estate deal. I picked up a house for 12k. 30k worth of work into it. 45k off my credit card. covered purchase and rehab. Now I own the property outright. allow tradeline business pay the money back. easy. mindset we need to have and the tenacity to go out there and make it happen. 

I'm flipping my house and my business. Building out my points. Taking my points to cover my utility bills. These are the type of things that I need to do! I'm flipping and getting money out. Points getting there. How can I get these points to cover my business and my overhead? what can I do to supplement my income? available at my expense, we want to be able to make these moves. I've been liquidating. I've been putting money in my account. I need to be able to exist.

Put it in my checking account. I know I can live and exist. I know I can go out there, get enough groceries to last me 11-60 days. I don't have to worry about everything being terminated. I still need funds to be able to live off of. People right now cant feed my kids. some people not prepared to pay for childcare. if you understood these data points, it made it okay. 

Why work for money when you can make money work for you? I went through everything on my own, right? 609 letter. This is the letter that you wanna do. Right? Take screenshots. This is what I provide in the financial literacy class. Google some of these letters. Play with it and change come of the verbiage. I'm handwritting it out. Get into a position where you can be better. Our overhead is getting cut. some bills you don't have to pay. 

I rather it sit on my account. It doesn't affect your credit. Let's see hw it rides out. Italy is drastic. we don't know how old its getting. if we out 60 days, 90 days. we can potentially can have. we need it in our possessions. We don't have access to it no more. 

We need to be in a position. Right now, it's Black Friday with anyone with money. 

The government is making sure banks lend money and don't stop. Listen, follow me and we still there. I want to do a deeper dive on that. Understand the major data points to it. Why are we on this position? Leverage your credit to make sure your credit gets paid. Use credit and reward systems to go out and pay for groceries. Now you are not paying out of pocket. Go through user portal. Give gift cards to go out and buy groceries. These are the type of things that we need to do. 

It gives you that access, okay I'm putting my self

If you go listen to podcast and interviews I have done. I'm prepping your guys for situations like this. I had a guy in my program. smoked weed, got into an accident in his company car. he was fired, drug test. worked there for 23 years. he was comfortable. didn't see it coming. What about companies? major cutbacks, shutting down. some companies fired aft4er 19 years. are you prepared and ready for it?

Something as little as credit, something that you can control. The things that I teach you can't find on google. Like the example I just gave you. Go google that, nobody gives you strategy to win. No. Put plastic involved. Same money I am making now. That puts me 3-4 steps ahead. Execute for a year. Not paying for groceries, most don't have 5k in savings. let how to execute. learn how to take advantage of a system that is presented to you. this is why I teach recession proof. Live the life that you want to live.

This is the point where life changes. How do I benefit? Major key to everytihng. Thankful for everyone being on here. What else can I teach you guys? What else do you need to know?  Tradelines, piggybacking off someone else's credit report. You are going to get all of those data points that you need to hit. I love this slide show. Being able to hit these data points. 

I'm ready to pay for tradelines. So many people are in need of these services. Tradelines help with credit utilization, age of credit report, payment history. These are the things that we need to do. We need to take advantage of. 

My conversation with Tio Dennis, he has a poor person's mentality when it comes to finances. buy liabilities. get a job, get up everyday to pay the monthly debt. me, I don't get into debt. be broke, build a business, get set up nice and slow and stable. 

build it in 90 days to build up your credit score. how to hide credit utilizations. how to use credit to scale your business. these are the things that you need so that you don't get caught with your pants down. always want to take advantage and execute. put an offer for everybody. 487 to jump back into my financial literacy course. everything and how to travel for free. eventually we are going to have to travel again. we have to go out there and travel. when we do travel, we don't have to pay for it. completely. travel for free.

How? isn't there an ebook about that? 


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