Final Expense Zoom Presentation Script- Transcribe

Final Expense Zoom Presentation Script

Field Underwriter: Hello (name of client)! How are you doing today? 

Field Underwriter: Great! We are here today for our appointment about the life insurance request you put it. Are you ready?

::Client answers:: (yes or no.) If no, give them time to get set up.

Field Underwriter: It's just you, you are not married, right? yes? Perfect (make sure they are both there if married). Okay, so you put in a request for life insurance through social media. What pushed you to fill that out?

::Client answers::

Field Underwriter: (repeat back what they said). Okay, what was the purpose of filling out that form?  Did someone recently pass away in the family? Do you have a mortgage to protect, what are you looking for?

::Client answers::

Field Underwriter: (repeat what they said back to them), okay. 

    example: client: Just had a baby. 

    Field Underwriter: You have a baby, okay. What's your baby's name? Congratulations!

Field Underwriter:  Real quickly, just going to go through who I am and what I do. First things first, my name is _____________ . I am licensed by the state of _________ to go over this life insurance coverage with you. This right here is my (State) insurance license and this is my badge.  

[Point to badge you should be wearing]. (Super professional, it's gold)

[Pull out your license. Show them to client through the camera]  (This gives you instant credibility)

Field Underwriter:  Take a picture of this if you'd like. (Allow them to take picture of both)

::Go on to Credibility Sheet::  Say this next part slowly, stress each word

Field Underwriter: The company that I work for is called Family First Life. I'm a broker. I am not a captive agent. I don't just work for one company. I don't give one quote. I don't do any of that.  I am not the quote guy.

 I work for about 15 to 20 different companies that are all A and A plus rated. So, I'm sure you recognize most of these companies, correct? 

::Client says yes:: Speak the italic parts slowly

Awesome, all of these companies have been around forever. They are not going anywhere, okay? A lot of what we do is mortgage protection insurance, we also do life insurance, and we specialize in safe money retirement. We are focusing on the life insurance portion for you today, okay?

::Bring out your Inventory Sheet:: (Fill out completely, no white spaces)

(You are painting a picture of their life to show them what it looks like if something happens to them.)

Field Underwriter: We have 3 objectives before we get into these questions. I'm going to take about 2 minutes to go through some medical questions and  finance questions to see what you would actually qualify for, okay? We have 3 objectives. We want to make sure we find coverage that is affordable for you, comfortable for you and something that you can actually qualify for. Is that fair?

(This is called the trial close, you get them to agree to do business with you, but you haven't shown them prices yet)


Field Underwriter: 



I ask "Do you have any significant savings in place."

I'll go through the questions. Do they rent or own their house? How much they are paying, what is it worth.

, go through all those questions then dig in through those. how old are you? and your wife? You are working, I assume? 

yes, what do you do for work? sales?

monthly income? x then wife? she stays at home.

currently take any medications? no. nothing at all that you have been prescribed in the last 5 years? (repeat back to them their answers to confirm)

any major surgeries in the last couple of years.

If your family history any good? Any cancer, heart attack, diabetes 

(if there is, who had it? )

Field Underwriter: I'm going to ask you some preliminary health questions, you are just answer yes or no (go through the questions). (write it all down as you are going through the questions).

Sample questions and way to answer:

heart attack, heart failure, cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, kidney or liver disease?

What do you owe on this home? 

15, 20, or 30 year loan? When did you move in (calculate tell them how many years are left). 

What is the house worth? (Calculate the equity if you can)

Are you adding extra towards your mortgage payment to pay that loan off early? 

If no, Field Underwriter: Nothing at all? Do you plan on it?

Field Underwriter: As far as anything that you currently have in place that would act like life insurance. 

( Go into the mortgage benefit, its a great product. )

What do you have in place currently that would offset the cost of the mortgage or would help (add name of family members you asked for earlier) when the time does come?

::Client answers::

Any 401k, IRAs, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, anything like that?

Client says: I have coverage through work. 

Field Underwriter:  Just like a company car, you know how that works right? Once you leave, quit, or retire within 31 days that will all go away. So with that work coverage, how much do you have in place?

::Client answers::

Field Underwriter:  (react, comment if amount covered doesn't cover the mortgage loan.) 

Field Underwriter: So, I assume (name family members) are the beneficiaries on that policy?

::Client answers::

Field Underwriter: Great (Client name), based on everything you told me, I  know what you'll be able to qualify for.  The key is now just finding something, of course, that's affordable, comfortable, and something that you can qualify for. 

I wish I could approve everyone, unfortunately I cannot. We have to submit a request for coverage to the carriers then they make that decision. The company that I think will accept you is called [name of insurance carrier]. What's the biggest thing that you are looking for with this coverage?

 (Paint the picture based on all their answers) 


Obviously you have a mortgage, right? So, you are looking for something that would cover that loan if something were to happen to you because your wife is a stay at home mom, so she is not going to have any of your income coming in anymore when that day does come, right?

Tell me, is this important to you? If you became terminally, chronically, critically ill, and you couldn't work anymore, and you had to obviously still keep up with those mortgage payments. Would something help, some coverage like that help, where they would send you some of the money or all of it, maybe up front? 

Aside from the mortgage, are you looking for funeral and final expense insurance? What is the most important thing?

::Client answers::  

Field Underwriter: Repeat what they say back to them. 

Field Underwriter: Awesome

Go into Quotes, 3 Option Close Pitch: [have a notepad and paper or place to write]

Field Underwriter:  (Draw 1 dollar sign, $) 

First option is the most affordable option, that's why it has one dollar sign. It is the Traditional Mortgage Protection, or traditional insurance. This is going to be active if you were to pass away in any type of accident, so Accidental Death Only.  (Write Accidental Death Only)

 (Draw 2 dollar signs, $$) 

The second option is Term life insurance policy, that is going to cover you for 30 years. (write 30 years)

 It's going to protect you in the event of a death, whether its natural or accidental. It will also include living benefits. If you were to become terminally, chronically, or critically ill, this will cover you. But, it's only cover you for those 30 years. After that, if you  don't use it, you will lose the coverage. Does this make sense?

::Client answers ::

 (Draw 3 dollar signs, $$$)

Field Underwriter: Okay, this right here is our priciest option but it is our most popular program. I think this is something that will fit you guys very well. 

This is called a Term with cashback policy. What it does, it last for 30 years. Pay into it every single month for those 30 years. If something happens, like you become terminally, chronically, or critically ill, or you pass away, this is going to make sure (beneficiary) has money coming in. Okay?

But if nothing happens in those 30 years,  so by the age of 51, you would get every single penny you put into your policy back, tax-free.

Client: Why would a company do that? Seems like too good of a deal. 

Field Underwriter: It benefits you, its a great product.

Client: How does the company make money?

Field Underwriter: They invest your money that you put into it monthly.

Client: Okay, So, how much is that one? 

Field Underwriter: [Get them the quotes]

Client: Sign me up!!

Field Underwriter:  This amount (amount they pay monthly), is comfortable for you, good days, bad days? I want to make sure this coverage is in place at all times, okay. So, not just today, not just in 30 days,  but the day you pass away, that amount  is comfortable for you?  Okay?

Next step, like I said, I wish I could approve everyone. Unfortunately, I cannot. The company has to.

We're going to submit a request for coverage, see if you even qualify. They will let me know in one to two business days if you do. And then, from there, you will be protected. 

Not done, next step: CEMENT THE SALE (prevents charge backs)

Field Underwriter: Okay, (client's name), I am glad I was able to get this applied for today. (mentioned their personal situation). You have a wife, kids, you took a while to get this taken care of. What took you so long to get this in place? Someone could have died already

::Client answer::

Field Underwriter: (repeat back what they said)). Okay, at least you got this taken care of today. I want you to grade me today. I want you to tell me 3 reasons why you got this coverage today, why is this important to you?

::Client answers:: EXAMPLE

Reason: 1. If something happens to me, my wife and kid have a place to life 

2. You explained it really well

3. This is really important for my family to be secure

[Write down the reasons for each client. Even if it takes 20 minutes, wait, they always come up with reasons. ]

CLUE: If they ever call me and want to cancel, I read those reasons back to them. You say: These are the 3 reasons that you gave me. 

Keep this information organized. Keep all your my client's information. Some use a filing cabinet or upload it to a secure server. 

After the sale, send a handwritten note saying:  Congratulations on qualifying for this coverage. I am your agent for life. Anything you need, feel free to reach out. (have your business card in there). 

(Clients love that)

Other Tips from a top agent:

Best day to dial for me, is Sunday. My goal is to get 15 appointment sin the 2 day period. Sunday I'll dial. Monday is my travel day, I'll get there. From there on, run the next two days. I am not leaving until I have 2 days worth of bookings. I don't leave my house without 16 appointments in my book.

Travel hack: hire meal prep company and pay for meal prep or get AirBNB with kitchen and cook your meals. You need energy to be out in the field, it shows up when you are out in the field in the energy you have the type of foods that you are eating.


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