Steve's Course: Design your clear life of Abundance

 Title: Design your Clear Life of Abundance

3 hour course

3 below, share it with a million people. course is to duplicate himself, he cant do the one-on-one with a million people. 

3 below:

I, Steve, will teach you how to learn how:




forever and ever

1. do you own a business?

register the business for them. 

2. net worth analysis

all needs to be done in a homework, get this done Scenerio before getting into the class.

So students, if they own a business, get it registered.

let's talk about your net worth, what is it?

What's next?

3 avenues you can take: 3 doors

1st door- sole proprietor

2nd door: LLC, disregarded entity (explain that)

what is the third door? he never got to that.

top 10 list. Let's talk through it and see if it makes sense.

6 month plan then a 5 year plan. 

Big promise. 

- affilitate  company that targets enterpreneurs: 70/30 split to start 

1st part of the course

create the financial profile in

they need to start with knowing their net worth.

part 1- Get to 100k as quickly as possible.

Part 2- $1 Million in total sales

Part 3: You cant measure what you don't measure.

becoming more aware, of you net worth, focus on it in order to change it. 

-Steve being your 10x GPS:




I see this a as a 10 week class with the community. 

1st homework: what is your net worth.

2nd homework: is your business registered?


Have a workbook just like Grant Cardone did with us.


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