Kiana Lede -I relate

 (22) Kiana Ledé "EX" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - YouTube

I'm very loyal, very trusting and very giving. (ME TOO!)

If they fuck that up enough to where I'm upset about it, then i cut them off. 

Rush into something with somebody, and go HAM. 2 weeks never leave each other's side

You can tired of people easily when you make yourself so available

Thoughts: (I made myself too available? did he get tired of me? Angel, yes. Same with Ryan, he was over me. He didn't walk after me when I left his house. walked in the snow with heels. I came over, doing too much. Should have left him alone. He didn't care enough to go get me. Isaura said I was acting like the movies. I was upset, I don't remember at what but I do remember how rejected I felt walking in the snow in heels and that he didn't care. and that I wore heels to look nice for him)

I feel in love with that part of myself (kid like)

Always be there for the people that I love (me and Yomeiry weas mad when she didn't reach out to me to help her move out. I was also mad when she didn't call me to help me when she got here. She relied on Trent. was mad when Zari didn't want to receive my help, my mom helped her with her after surgery thing. I feel rejected when people don't accept my help like when the guy said no to the honey I offered after he was coughing.)


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