10.15.22 thoughts
listening to boyfriend thing
Distrust is coming up for me
i did the breakup want to see other people one
and i said yeah get away from me
i want to see what i want,
i need space
i wanted to close it out, leave the conversation
but i stayed on
like i do in real life
with men, bad feelings come up for me and i stand in it
the rejecgtiong, the pain, the whatever it is i am feeling,
overwhelming emotions
that are hard for me to even see that the stuff
is happening inside of me
and the outside i get quiet, i look normal
but when I'm quiet the inside is brewing like the
winds that are about to form a tornado
He just said you are a sexy animla
and the distrust gets more
what do you want?
what are you saying to me to get what?
am i comfortable being sexualized?
i told Angel no
he said, too bad i'm sexy what you want me to do woman
I loved when he called me woman
he was so mad, it held so much emotion
and it held that passion, that we had for each other
Angel said a lot of broken promises, promises
he never intended to keep
he said i'll build you a bathroom
when i commented how nice his bathr was
of course the jealousy feelings came up,
i have been poor and broke and raising my son
you became a realtor and have a house
and have a baby with the girl that you were with immediately to a year after me
then you said she was with your friend
so you sneaky and she is too
and you get sexual
late at night, every night, like me
I know i'm real nigga
(comment to boyfriend youtube guy saying you are so real)
ok, how he's saying some times people are not even ready for how real you are.
okay, he got me there
i dont want to go to the bust stop
i want to stay in Aury land
i ate the sandwich, got the items without having to walk to DG and back
i'm tried feeling drowsy and i'm surprised i'm still here
TBH, and thats a fact.
If i meet David, will these feelings come up?
the what do you want? the distrust?
and sexuality is something i hold iwth a lock and key
am i supposed to let it go?
will i lose respect if i do?
I'm thinking meet a guy at a club and do it again
but then i remembe how i cried and how that didnt
really work out for me
i was doing looking up the sexual content
but the emotionally available boyfriend stuff i found
as of late, it showed me a challenge
it was weird to receive the emotional support
and hearing those things from a man
was just, something i've never had
i sang and worked when i was with Andre and with Dre.
Dre missed my Toastmasters speech.
when i moved to New Brunswick he never came to visit,
he only reached out when he was going to be in the area because
he was going to be in a party around there
so like, you not coming for me.
you are going to be here and want me to come to you while you are here
we break up you start going to parties
i saw the pictures
you around 6 different girls
and you dated the one that had the boyfriend
wow you and Angel have that in common
I am thinking of that Beyonce lyric, my torturer became my reedeemer.
I was upset in the last vido and now this video i'm goign to the same source
to heal that wound that you created
but its hard to blame them when the internal stuff is around me
wrenking ball and stay with me by riri
described the abandonment I felt when Manuel left
This time when I sing 'Who you are' I have light to share
and confidence
I feel on my feet so many times
I know I can sign,
I'm just sharing my gift with you
I feel uncomfortable and even the videos
and imagiving a guy in my bed
and Idk what I gotta do with a man to get to that point of comfort
and i thought of how James that was his frist request,
come sleep over and we came, me and Alex
and his sister came next day ignored me
I felt very rejected
her Facebook and socials said i love Jesus
in real life she ignored me
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