Rene Clad event
tall guys to be stronger, protect them, feel safe. is you are short, get jacked. status- girls want to be with a leader. perceived leader. authority figure. Charm- only thing i can actually teach. be witty, communication. what 4 stages a man go through slave- has no purpose, slave to job, society warrior- discover purpose and discovers it (wants to be a doctor, goes to school, working towards it) women do not want slave or warrior. they want other stage knight- man who is living in his purpose but hasn't battled his demons. has not overcome who he is as a person. he sleeps with lot of women, reckless with money (finished school, started working as doctor, started being with his purpose) King- divine, find queen. create something, pass on your legacy. next step. dating coach, this is what I coach them on. pick up artist but wasn't long term results. now i teach them with communication then those relationships can become longer lasting. SKIT: If girl is at a bar, how do you st...