Stock Call 4.25.22

IAN: trading is easy. the process makes us look at our flaws like they are too much to overcome.

What is your lock in? 

How many ticks were you up before it went negative?

100 ticks. 

IAN: 100, I'm locking in 40. I wish I was up 100 ticks. 

25 contracts, Nasdaq, 100 ticks that's $12,500. for you to go negative that's like you are choosing to commit fraud on yourself when you don't lock in profit. 

You are mad at me but you are really mad at you for not listening to what I told you to do. 

hardest part of trading is mastering yourself. up 100 ticks, lock in 40. biggest tip you don't want to hear: 

any of you had jobs before? if you have to be at work at 9am, what time you get out? listen caching, walk out the house. you cant be possessive over your trades. let the trade breathe.

I'm up 100, lock in 40. walk away. 

IAN: for 10 ticks, lock in 2. YOU HAVE TO MARRY YOUR RULE SET. 

You don't marry the plan because you don't want the money or the responsibility. subconsciously, you think money makes people bad. 

If you see neighborhoods that had lack of resources, education and food deserts, (alluding to more people do shady stuff when they are poor than if they were rich) we are what we eat, more people that eat animal products act like animals. (?)


I don't want you to hit rock bottom. don't let it be your motivator. don't let the excitement of knowing how to trade stop you from making the money you want to make as an investor. 

Some people like the process of doing it, but not materializing it. all of it is mental. 

Market wizards, its all about mental. The people I know trade the best, have the simplest strategy. Buffett, 2020. how much money buffet made just investing in apple? you only need a couple of hits. 

Some need 4 good trades to get the confidence you need. 

I had no stop on my trade, Ninja messed up. I started the tears. I overslept, I traded mid-day. Dear heavenly father, I'll never do this again. I lost discipline. The players, first one in the gym, last one to leave. Kobe didn't deviate the plan. 

Trading makes you look at every single flaw (yours). I had the worst habits. then when you fix those things, it's a challenge now to see how tired we are and still push through. 

I deserve to be on time. Intro to futures: walk 10 miles a day for 90 days. It's mental first. 

Question on futures: 

IAN: discipline is a process of coding what your future is going to be. 

815 at the latest you should be looking at it (the market). Now you are hella late. People that have done the best are there early. No matter what happens, I will not miss Market Mondays. 

FUTURES: look at monthly, weekly, daily and hourly. I look at those, wait for them to all be the same color. 

IAN: the way to this is 

but then when you get the signal, you cant be scared. week day hour has been what the last couple of weeks?  when white people get upset, stuff is bad! even the ones that are calm are going crazy this week. Short it, you know what's going on in the market. 

If I was in that seat as an executive, what would I do? Make all the colors match then fire. PATIENCE.

what if its above or below the entry but its going up (or down?). IAN: DO NOTHING. Snipers are not meant to be seen. You kill and shoot. what are the rules of being a sniper? You only take a shot at your target when you have a clear and precise shot. WAIT. if person is ducking, etc. 

99% are going to beat yourself.

I even start watching TV when you trade. some of you have an episode when you are not trading. listen, WAIT. If the move is not so clear, don't move. you know you have taken a good trade. 

If you are patient, you can get rich. really rich. 6-8 weeks to get an ideal spot when everyone else is losing?

I heard the frustration when your brother came in. patience, right. fellas, be patient with your kids. the more I was patient I was with him (my son) the easier I was able to be patient in the market. 

sluggish, I do water fast. if body has to process food, it slows down. 

celery juice. fast food, no solids before 12. for me, its 3pm. see how much efficient you are if you stop eating. who told you needed food? General Mills. Lucky charms after 40 years is not good for you. it all connects. 

Body is interconnected. there is not, I got drunk in my stomach. 


One meal a day, entrepreneurs talking about that. Daniel's fast, that's all it is. 

School said if you know the most, you get the most. Who after learning this feel like high school and elementary was a waste? American dream, homes and buying of homes is a banking product? American dream for the banker. for those that own a home, if you have a mortage, you don't own it. If you have a mortage, and you don't own the land in which your house sits, you have to pay taxes if not they take it. then how is it yours?

Focus on making the money from trading, that's it.  

TWITTER- value comes from black creators. Elon is republican. He was testing how far he can go. there is no value that I have, i'm an executive not the talent. the person that controls the puppet is the star. hip hop tells you being the star is the prize. there is no money there. 15 ppl in music, they don't have the money that ppl think they do. MJ made money from business. JPM bailed government out of a recession. that's where buffet took his model from, BOA shares preferred. 

Zucherberg is new gates. Elon is the new jobs. It's a chess game. 

Question: the slow rate and the crash rate for rates. I found the 4 types of waves. the steepness and the slopeness kind of remind me of the EMAs in the chart. I tried to figure out the math part, i'm not great at math. PREADORNORTE biggest swells of history. 

Ian: choppier waves like ethereum there is a correlation between how that runs and what happens in these markets. PREA is like 2008 crash. that will let you know how many minutes that will last or how many months. Literally go on youtube, go to the library and dig the information. Time it from top to bottom. take top 5 crashes (from top of swell to how long it take to crash) and divide time by 5 and multiply by 10. 

I'm studying, studying, new money comes into the market. redpandaian is the correct telegram. i'm studying, you have to look at.. if you want to understand water, study the rest of nature. 

if you do water fast or intermittent fast, look at the correlation (see how you trade) . if you study nature, fabionacchi, the spirals, it comes out of nature. 

HARDER TO DO: plant or garden in spring in summer. look at ratio where the bees pollinate. bees dont hang out at the other edges of the flower. 

Go watch episode 70.

Work on you being worthy. its okay for me to make 160k in a trade. Okay for me to make 5 million. 

IAN: You are right by digging. Everything is pre calculated. 

Q: I was in the world of science for a little bit. Everything connects. 

IAN: coming from bio background, filter out false positives and be able to extract same results with different data sets. 

How much easier would life be if you only took trades that you know were profitable? 

IAN: even if go back to episode 70 and I tell you how to hit the 4 ticks. is it that hard to hit 4 ticks? 

(after he asked him if he would be able to provide if he lost his job just off trading?)

what's a full contract size? if margin trading goes away 

15,480 per contract. returns on swing trading is much slower. if we go to pricy ones,  ethereum, price is feature is 77 dollars plus. but pays less than bond future. IT IS WORTH IT TO MASTER TRADING NOW.

google- which company 

I rather you prepare now. do you wish you would have prepared and followed the rules from the beginning. trading on futures side is the emotionally abusive thing you will experience in your life. Being able to hit the target you want to hit when you want to is one of the greatest things. Take it, put that pressure on yourself. episode 70. take 4-5 trades a day (i said). London market is way easier.



TRADING teaches you to get better entries in the market. study long-term investing to learn true direction in the market. You need both. 

Most business, owner is cash poor. even if rich is good. How are sales? ok or elated. most are okay. operate on 20 net margin. If sales are ok, how much are they getting? 

PHD candidate:

cost to do it, versus the costs.

30s, near 40 still eating top ramon they all live together because they cant afford to live. first to go to college, i want a family. 

wait until you find out where Elon got this money from. 

how much money do they pay tesla to carve out credits? they are paying nothing. even he has to do business with oil

700 mil in air credits? carbon credit, when elon made some carbon? he learned how to play the game. let them go first, then he got his moment. revenue generator to them to get blessings survive. recession are time, time to dissolve empires, time to buy. 

real esg, they are not publically traded. oxymoron. 


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