Session 6 Q&A 4.17.22

 Currency- high liquidity and high volatility 

markets are open all day in some capacity according to what you are trading in. 

with Forex, it's very volatile. influenced by the news. 

-us markets only worry about what's going on in the US market.

this website,

This will give you a breakdown of any kind of news report, coming out every single day. 

It will tell you what currency it's going to impact. 

Monday, for example, you see these folders. Red folders mean high impact. 

Only be aware of the red impact. High chance that this particular currency is highly volatile. 

Trading pound/dollar whatever. 

You want to look at this to avoid anything in the red. You don't know what is going be revealed in these reports, unless you are a governor and have access to sensitive information. 

Good investors think about risk vs reward.  


Scalping could be you found a channel in a short time fra

long term investors hold our for more money, but it'll take you 5 days. you are not as involved.

if you want to build your cash pot first. you have to exchange more time if you are getting in and getting out. 


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