Trading journal


9:16am everything is set up.


Took longer to connect

Today nothing made sense!!

ZB went against the trend. Trend was iup and there was a huge red candel.

Nasdaq was moving up and down the EMA, red and green and wild like a ping pong ball.

then it stayed on down trend and stayed there and it was the biggest drop.


went to bed at 2am (3am last week was norm everyday)

wanted to go to bed at 11 but drank coffee (why?)

slept around 2am. phone in bed makes me stay on phone and look at YT


alarm 8am i kept sleeping. Alaka called at 815 and since then i got up and started logging in.

 the setups were not working, I had to set them up. all trends were up except one of them, I believe it was hourly on the ZB.

I buy, with the direction up and all seemed right but it kicked me out after about 3 seconds. lost $625. 

Nasdaq, big movement up. when it was starting to go up, not by EMA. I was going to exit left at 10am because it seemed it was never going back down. 

No trade in the NASDAQ.


I am still dragging myself through the stuff.

sea moss and probiotiocs. Yesterday, exhausted all day. was up all night talking about mom and dad stuff with Alaka the day before. slept from 430am (got off phone then put affirmations) to 11:40am. (why was I so tired then)

Anyhow today is next day, I wake up with period and back pain like pinched nerve type.

I go back to sleep as face was down like swollen like no sleep face. My face is still like that right now.

I did no trade in the ZB.

1 trade in Nasdaq, made $250 really quick. It got up at 1k but I left it to see if it could have gotten more. 


woke up at 7am (new alarm)

Listened to new affirmations last night... did one on anger and toxicity and went over all and any anger I've had through the years at people. what I realized is I still hold place for these anger, they are small and old. But they all are linked the same: I am not getting enough love from you. Its always feel like that at the end. The recording said, I release you. I understand why you served me at the time. Then it made me think of Landmark when I called Rosa,  and told her what she did that made me look at our friendship a different way. It gave her room to explain. I felt like I sacrificed so much for her, why could she not do the same for me? Her leaving the church made me feel like a deep betrayal. When the action was just leaving, I made it 'mean something.' and I thought how it got our friendship back in track but didn't fix its foundations, we were friends that were going (back to typing) in different directions. I shouldn't feel like I had to sacrifice so much to go party with her (I felt horrible) and she didn't feel great at my church (the place that I felt so comfortable and was willing to travel for 2 hours). 

ZB turned around, now to next candle at 840am. Going up very close to my stop line. Let's see. 

Not much movement today in the ZB. I got in one notch below EMA, I made the trade based on something I heard last night. I thought maybe the ZB would go down to the area that it used to be at.

841am ok, indecision and red candle. I think I placed a good trade, I will keep watching it.

The buy stop is exactly at the resistance (or support) level. I feel good about this trade. 

DANG STOP FILLED. I should have moved my stop. idk its kind of going up so many not. 



breakthrough last night. listened to God. woke up at 5am had an intense feeling of fear. prayed to God and heard from him, he told me what I was really afraid of, and that's what's holding me back. the internal beliefs and fears that rule me and make me do inaction.

Slept through the market. I woke up at755 alarm and Alex woke up when i was battling with it, awake but really tired. decided to sleep and get my sleep's worth. i had a dream of Rebecca and other peeps from New Brunwick. Runaway told me to do this job. I went and we did it, we did the job. it was serving the morning commuters. I went to the back and it was a whole bunch of us. Rebecca was there, I was shocked to see her. it was in the same location barnes and nobles used to be in. 

Got up got the last half hour. did a trade, a good trade at the right spot. let it hit the EMA it touched it and bounced back. i got in the second time, it was doing what it did. it locked profit, it kept giong but it went back and it kicked me out. i got $275 the most that was available before that was $1.300+. it would have made a difference to me as I'm pretty negative. 

Ian says to trust the strategy but its hard when you keep losing. and when there is more money available but you keep losing. a year of this and will I learn it fully?

Today got dentist appointment and I am going to do what I need for my business. Peace out. 



NQ and ZB look exactly the same, both are going down the same direction (3 bid red candles). at 9:49am. 

worked out while watching the market, same as yesterday.

today on the nasdaq I look at all the time frames. when i got back, i was looking at 20 seconds instead of 20 minutes. so i missed looking at the right setup. on the right setup, it would have been a great time to get in and ride it down.

1014am starts to pull back now NQ 


bought $193 worth of bitcoin (link has been going down trend for last couple of months). my investment in link went down to half of what it was. okay so switched to bitcoin. bitcoin is today is 30,919.16 and i got a little bit of it. it was 63k plus just in November. If i had more, i would put more into bitcoin. great opportunity right now.

but the rest of the year I shall increase my income and invest. 

also today did 3 trades in Nasdaq, lost 2 trades, won 1. did bad today because i did revenge trading. 

I was trying to learn how to move my stop. kept getting kicked out but I succeeded so now i know how to move my stop (it cost me 3 trades). no trades in the ZB.

wasnt going to wake up and be in the market. was healing from leg injury over the weekend (from working out the week before). 


I woke up late (910am) the ZB had dropped almost 2 points. a lot of money to be made today.

Today was a day that major opportunity was missed. 

NQ and ZB look the same. 

did trade in Nasqad, got kicked out right away made 800 plus. checked, used wrong setup. so i did it again, and got kicked out and lost $500 of the profit. should have left it alone. 

this week, have been 'overtrading' not a good thing. let the profit breathe.

and ZB should have not got out and let it breathe. it actually went up some more. I got out I because it kept getting negative. ended up going up.

I did 2 more, i wanted to see why it kicked me out right away. I did 2 more. 

JIM: I was a commodity broker for 20 years. I have seen it all. 

I did 4 trades in NQ, need to give it a rest.

wrong: woke up late. 

direction right and everything right in ZB I got out too soon, if i let it breathe there was more profit. the candle kept going red so when it went a little green i got out at a safe place.

Jim: concentrate on trading well, once money is gone, its gone. 

I feel out of it, going to get ready. its 10:09am.


Alaka's call made me wake up. 7am, I slept right through that. 

Market is not moving much. Wednesday was a hit, a missed opportunity. 

paying bills and doing errands while looking at the market. 


I did no trades. woke up at 9:10pm. Jim said he was 'shell shocked.'  Jim said he's going to put in his trading journal to look at the vix if its over 30 could be a buying signal. he was trading sp500 he thought it was double bottom (i didnt see it) and then it just went down and broke that pattern. 

ZB didnt move that much. Nasdaq, I could have gotten in twice I hesitated. thinking about my account being positive.


watching the market day


Logged in at 930, so looking at Nasdaq. feel good. Yesterday slept until 2pm (body was exhausted, weird). Nasdaq is dropping but not too much. 

10:30pm, See the Futures is happening. discussion, 

Dollar vs Yen. Feb Japanese said they were going to do unlimited quatantive easing, continue to print Yen.. japan wants to be exporter nation, they accept weakness in their currency. faced with choice, continue to make money or worry about their currency

'People said dollar is strong'... We gotta be aggressive, raising rates, havent done it yet. kept buying bonds until last month. economies in 

Dollar is not strong against real estate, against.. X... its just strong against the other currencies. 


Today was an opportunity in the DOW JONES it dropped 1225 since 6pm yesterday. but if you do 6am today its 1167. its only gone down, hasn't retracted to original 

Nasdaq is down 2656 ticks.  that's 50k opportunity. unlimited dropping. Bonds is at 51 ticks up. 


Tia Ludin called and needed me to go do an errand with her. I looked at the market briefly and hen got ready and the house ready and we left. here then library then Walmart and back. no trades taken.

Alaka made 8k traded ZB and ZN. Traded it up and down. Great execution.


Woke up late (7am alarm worked but i slept and kept dreaming). 8:40 looking at market, opportunity had passed. I literally only had to wake up early to catch it. going to shower and put on workout clothes now. 

9:08 Showered and ready to workout. Looked at my statistics, no trades this week.  Missed opportunity today, Friday and Wednesday, for sleeping in.

No trades today. Nasdaq didn't go back up to EMA, however it kept dropping. It would have been good to go down the 

On a Zoom with Alaka until 1pm discussing a new strategy. The mouse works now, I was able to put in the USB cable. 

Try it for a week.  Get in at the EMA, whatever it is.  Red Panda. Snaper setup. 


In the market on time, set up the TV with HDMI cable and have 4 screens showing ZB,, ZN on left side. and YM and NQ on the right/.

We are going to do this week: Alaka will do down and I will trade up. We are going to trade his philosophy that the odds of that.

Is it better to do trade at 820 or 920? in ZB. Where is the volume? 

Last night had head pain and toothache. So went to bed late suffering from those things. 

Who lost and won,

down  +625

up  -1562.50 = -937.50




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