Master Trader Darren Winters

1) Trading emotions (fear and greed).

 making investment decisions when the markets are closed (evenings and weekends)

2) the more you give, the more you get

charity trade day. trade his money for real in real time, for a whole day. the day he makes that day they give the whole money of that day to a charity. 

Learn investing, extra stream of income to do that.

Family member to help out, learn to trade.

3) Surround yourself with positive people.

about 20 years ago, attended Tony Robbins event. Attended it with someone that used to be a friend. One of the course is life mastery, 10 days in Hawaii. ticket was 10k. Tony said was the last one in Hawaii. Friend said 'to think about it' and all excuses for why he is not going to do it. In the break, I'm going to go book a place. He did it. at the time, he was 40k in debt. took 10k. 

If I keep doing the same things, I will keep getting the same results. I need to take massive action. 50k to million dollars in 3 years was because of the course. then he went around the world and he modeled the people he paid to teach him how to trade. 

His friend said wow that was an amazing course. his friend called, they said he will never do that course again. so glad he didn't allow his friend to hold him back. 

It comes down to one or two decisions that massively improve your life. One decision can massively improve everything. 

4) Use the power of compound returns. 

Get consistent monthly profits. This student, getting trained by him personally. He has an offer of 1 to 1 trading and it costs 30k. Student: from 5k to 500k. He avoided the crash, saved his pension. His goal was buy a house in France. He made the money and bought it in cash. 

This guy, he showed him how to get consistent gains. Once you get this monthly consistency, you can get huge wealthy pretty quickly. 

Story, his: Traveling in Caribbean, Aruba for 3 months. invested 30k. went to 1.9 million.  was trading for 1 hour a day. (shows it on the phone). 

INCREDIBLE OFFER for people in this website:

Online trading course 5k. Forex and Stock Market Master Class Training Course.

His life work, #1 course in Europe for 3 years in a row.  winner of business britain 'best investment training course'

-step by step easy to follow, done for real

-best forex and stock market strategies

- gives best crypto currency trading strategies

-commodites, oil, gas, gives best strategies as well

-double money in a week strategy

-set it up on auto pilot= 1 hour a week (can be evening and weekend)

online live questions answered. JUST $397.

Absolutely incredible. Best offer done ever. $397.

same things spent over 100k to learn. VRP upgrade. 

Darren's watchlist, 3 day live event, webinar for 2 years (?)

1 to 1 mentoring session for 3k (only) whaaaat

FREE. HUH????? Online Trading program, live question and answer lessons. 

Practice 3 trades a week. first 25 trades, then do one on one mentoring session together. 

some of the people make millions of dollars. 


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