Talk with Jane

 1. We had a shopping day in NJ that you didn't like you felt like we went to too many stores.

and over this one day you decided to not hang out in person?

huh? no, it was just easier to talk over the phone.

-discussion what she is used to and deems normal is not what I'm used to and we talked about those expectations and how they were not the same expectations I had

I have memories you came over the house we would laugh. one time we cooked smores. we shared things. we only went shopping once and what I remember is there was a problem with the car and we got a piece to fix it for free. 

We did the same in Georgia.  We talked about this, I thought you wanted to be in more events and 

Nigeria- people do errands before hanging out. or people do errands and leave the person in the house. 

2. Hurt that it took so long to say. Don't we have a friendship that we can share things? Why so hard to say?

-no asking, no regard. no communication. went to it

us together different ways of doing things.

Lashing out, on the phone, and in person in NJ.

autistic- not being aware of social cues. 

-Alex likes order, something random having to adjust. 

Jane: -save things in my mind and put them in sequence. put them together. 

deliverance lady- 

Getting bubble tea. agitated.  

Mental Health.  Can't deal with it. Can't do that anymore. Don't have patience for that. (the lashing out)

4. follow the leader.

cant tolerate this, cant just follow the lead. 

5. my bossiness, ordering her around.

said it was like how Samuel was telling me what to do.


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