Surviving Vegan

 securd loan in their name

1,000 in your savings account, get secured account 

primaries and secondaries in their name.

get a shared secured loan or stage loan (money never leaves)

Age 14, authorized user on credit card. the 12500 you can start at 6 year old.

LLC in their name, multi member LLC. file taxes. just needs to be business that exist, doesn't need any activity on there

come out of high school

with aged business

5 year LLC with taxes and some income coming in you get can business funded,

has to be multiple member LLC

Put self directed IRA, the income paying the kid through the LLC.

You can put real estate in Self Directed IRA. the cash in there is not taxes, the appreciation is not taxed, no capital gain.

manufactured spending:

plastique, you can use that service if you have bills that doesn't accept credit card.

you liquidate the cc, and send it over to them (it pays them with a check). there is a fee for it. 

good credit, business that they can get funding in and cash flowing asset that is not taxed.

brother truth teaching:

US is not a country, its a corporation. LLC is beneficial for you. 

Inflation level has gone up, it looks like you got money. you are being taxed. you dont have LLC. you are not doing any incentives of what the government wants.

Tax codes are important to know, they tell us what to do. people who build the houses the tax cuts. the business funnels the money through. Everyone is not built for it. 

3 ways to create wealth

1. financial markets (stocks, forex, stocks)

2. real estate (roots in the ground)

3. owning a business (I can also acquire a business)

Only 1 gives you time wealth (building a business). 

9 to 5 millionaire (cop turned millionaire made his money in real estate)

everyone in the panel are investors and business owners. takes a lot of learning to get to that spot. 

you hear us talk about trucks, infinite banking and crypto. 

Information and mindset, is the two things that you need. 

I'm in mergers and aquisitions, never thought I would do that. he aquires new businesses. 

he started thinking about it, and started attracting it. 

businessbuilderbeez is the guy speaking.

Your mindset is the key to unlock these rules. 

how much is net worth? about 20 million in between companies he owns and parts of companies he owns. he wears his brand or a friend's brand.

taxes, learned from grant cardone. he said you want to be broke by the end of the year. have no money at the bank by the end of the year. this is why he bought the jet when he bought it. 

I never used to get money back during tax season.  he got the most out of every paycheck. he didn't owe nothing, they didn't owe him anything. 

I own nothing, control everything. that's gross revenue, not profit, money in different businesses. gross vs net. my salary is 30k, that's it. and that's what i get taxed on.

It's all about trust, you control because you are a trustee. you control 20 mil portfolio.

if you earn less than 10k a month, your first investment should be in your mind. while you go to an event, make sure you talk and people remember you and those opportunities start coming to you. I used to think 10k was a lot. now I'm around people million dollar day tomorrow. I'm a student forever, even though i teach people.

money was tied to my knowledge. you get up every morning and business will boom. you need to continue to gain knowledge. stuff changing every day. 

having money the stress is there, because you are afraid to lose the money (mindset is everything)

corporate raiders, this is a term. this is what them people been doing. no cash. corporate raid company, they go overboard with it. they find all cash they can take out of the business. fire people, sell inventory, stack funding bills into this long bill 

Business empire builders free webinar that he explains what he does. 

I like to learn through stereos.

DDP- deferrred down payment. defer when you pay the seller, 60,90 days. 

also, seller finance. go to website

seller financing up to 80 percent or 50 percent over 5 years. 

the business i aquire is going to pay it. 500,00 paid with seller financing. 

revenue based financing, aquire the business on day 1. day 2 go to sources and get loan they will look at numbers and do it that way. 

Many different 

I talk about how to aquire businesses because its easier than making them from the start. 

around mindset: 

real estate, most will say 150k would you rather buy property outright or take out a loan

can take loan out on home as collateral.

some people refinance and use money to make repairs. can you refinance after paying your mortage? yes, refinance is based on equity. 


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