Interview Dispatch

 30-40 of my guys, they cover. Power only. 

Keep looking everyday, on the board until I find the right broker. 

Find the lane where the driver is comfortable. Build a bond there, ask do you have a load today?

automated lanes, company can grow. keep putting them on that line .its like automation. 

still working on load boards?

10 employees, 5 dispatchers. 

Some in OTR.\

-if I do 2-3 lanes with a broker, i like to get their cell phone. I text them in the morning, good morning. 

-you can download rate con or bill con. we start a whatsapp group. 

we can go back months and see what happened. it holds everybody acountable. 

this company. noah log truck, drivers send poe. goes to admin group. genius 

Compliance- we refer people to different contacts to help in case of accident. smart safety services, helped us. dispatch and operations, we want to be scalable. we focus on operations, billing, making sure drivers make the most per week.

biggest success story- scale 1 truck to 30 in one year. 

police officer from Paterson, helped them start 1stoptrucking. cargo vans, i got him into this.

1 truck and now he has 6. his number is consistently high. 

70-80 trucks on and off. 

next step: get 10 trucks paid cash. courses, I have seen what is out there, we want to bring something better. a lot of the information is cold cut. to a beginner is tough to understand. if you don't have set examples and videos. I want to put videos of things that can go wrong and how to resolve them.

ex. driver has an issue has issue with a truck. you cant cancel on the broker. how would you go about talking to the broker. they will give you a freight card. dispatch courses don't train them. troubleshooting. I'd be fully transparent, get receipts. 

if you want to find a lane, you gotta understand the time. what is high traffic area, low traffic area. incorporate on how I got trucks and how I was able to dispatching. learn strategies to get people in this business. make money off of this, and get something out of it. 

new authorities, willing to pay more to get the right driver. 

how to pay driver? percentage or salary, daily. more money, less miles. 1 day transit you can make more money on a mile. broker will pay better doing less miles. 1 day transit you'll make twice the money.

NJ, tristate area, NY, CT, a lot of work out here. those lanes you are home, pick up pa, ny, then home. so many lanes out here. Georgia, way more competition then lanes. 

are they touch freight? unload. physically able to do it. tailgating, powerjack. those lanes people dont want to do. I'll train them to do it. send them with experienced driver to see how it works. one of the issues older people in the business still in mindset of underpaying the driver. now not the case, put the driver first. 

keep deadhead low. over 40 to 42k gives issues to the truck. lighter weight less pressure, save money on fuel too. heavier load. deadhead takes up a lot of time. traffic. 

Negotiate: call broker, put them on ahold after they give me a rate, check on supervisor. supervisor would like to be at 1300. it takes responsibility away from you. you get more money. if they happy with the rate, you are not winning. 

Experience is the biggest thing. I'm still gonna try. 300 miles, fuel on average is $150-175. driver pay for the day 100-200. 475 load pays 1500. take out 100 for insurance. take out dispatch fee. 675 for the owner 700-800. puts away 1000 for maintenance. 

Negotiating tip: take any leverage that you have and use it. load is heavy. this could make my driver tire blow out. if its in a region people don't want to go. pick load apart, what can I say that is not favorable. 9 at night, everyone will be gone I'm not gonna be able to find a load back, I'm gonna lose out for the day. 

afternoon drop off, its going to be hard to find a load at that time. 

always room to negotiate.

Advice for new dispatchers, get new carriers. what do you tell them? 

-go out and get experience first. work for truck company for 3 months. i was giving out information for free, when i got started. really a beginner you are not going to be able to.

start off getting experience somewhere, building bonds with people in the business. try to get your first carrier. my strategy giving investors that has nothing to do with the business, they have all been successful. it shows that my strategy works. I got a line out the door. 

Give them a better service that they have right now. 

success? motivated and my purpose. I dont have an end goal. i didnt think i would make 100k a month. this makes me happy, keeps away from BS I've been through. it keeps me in the right track. its not the destination, its the journey. I love seeing new enterpreneurs enter this business and see them succeed. 

part of that is that I care. 10-30k of hard money they saved. i put my name on my brand and people can trust it, that means more to me than money. we had 2 drivers last week. i got IG ads, $500 referral to my drivers, called them all. we got a driver, next day. 

gotta know how to take on pressure. athlete performing at highest levels. lhow much pressure can you take, if you crack, that's it. in the beginning, i see a pitfall. damn on my face we got this. you gotta make sure you care. be selfish with your goals. anybody can do it. 

what do you need to be a good investor? to work with you.

30 to 40k for truck, registration, insurance. 

covid and truck shortages affected it? truck prices went up. I shocked the investors. I try to make it easy. word it to the point once they get in, all invesotrs are successful. they have learned and have grown. a lot of pitfalls. you gotta try to be driven, identify problems, fix them, get truck back on the road. 


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