Difference between freight broker and dispatcher.
broker- the less money he pays carrier, more he makes.
Dispatcher works for carrier, now middle man between shipper or broker. job is negotiate the best rate possible. dispatcher wants to make sure the carrier makes more money as possible.
*dispatcher makes more money, and also helps carrier stay in business. them staying in business helps us stay in business longer.
What do you need to become a dispatcher?
wifi, load board subscription. making 5k to 15k a week. telephone, computer, wifi, load board subcription and printer/fax/scanner.
how much you earn? 5k a week at 7% is 15k a year per truck. 100k if 6-7 trucks from home.
What do they do?
go between customers and drivers, keeping records, monitoring e-logs and handling equipment availability.
leave the industry better than it started. bring integrity into the trucking industry
Is this for you?
lady started dispatching for her husband. she knew nothing about trucking. took leap, from knowing nothing now she knows everything she needs to know. earn income from home.
also, not ready to buy a truck not yet. i can master then hire other dispatcher and grow my company.
You know how to talk to people, know how to communicate.
story- first celeb client. doing 1 on 1s. only person teaching trucking on the intenet. he had money, helped him get set up. 3 trucks out the way. wanted to be taught how to book the load and dispatch. he taught him in 3 days. Alix, these people know who I am. I told him, let me book it for you. (he was celebrity). started dispatching Mutumbo's trucks. give me 10 percent. first week, drivers loved me. 2 trucks, then 3. homeboy said can you do this for me? now i had 6 trucks. a friend had 2 more trucks. i was at home working 16 hour days. me in the office in 2016. papers in cabinet was for trucks. 9pm at night, waking up at 6am. not leave until 9pm booking loads. that's how i learned and mastered the game at. i saw the potential. Rob came home from prison, I said I'm coming up to NY and i'll show you how ot dispatch because I need some help.
can i show you in real time how to book a load?
max weight 42k. 2k plus loads. refeer you can turn it off and run some dry freight. 669 loads for tomorrow. if you are a new dispatcher. don't pick the load that pays the most. i went out of business in 2015 because i was looking at the rate and i'm not paying attention to the destination. key to dispatching and positive cashflow is knowing the market, knowing where to send the truck also when coming out of there to find a load as well.
goal: less work, the most money. get another load when we get to that destination.
the load says drop Friday. wednesday. look my driver will drive on thanksgiving but i'm trying to convince driver to leave his family. I need 3200 for that. some drivers dont celebrate thanksgiving. dont say that to the broker. the person that wins is the person with the most information. if they get sense that you don't know the market, they will not give you top dollar.
get all the details on the load. dont book it just because of the price. find out all the details. make sure driver is able to handle that load and deliver this on time.
Alix, I have mastered this load board. you should learn from someone that is at your destination.
-Calculate profits before booking a load.
500 miles divided by 6 mpg times average price of diesel, 3.53 for GA
294 that's how much fuel its going to take. most companies go out of business is because they dont know how much money to make per mile to
innoportal is a software, you put expenses for trucking companies and the system will tell you you havent reached your break even point, this load will make you lose money.
It's a lot of people teaching dispatching. receipts. i got 13 dispatchers under me. we dispatch over 100 trucks. it let me know which dispatcher was a strong one. we booked
I pay my dispatchers 4%, Rob who runs the whole operation, 2 percent and myself the owner, 2%. i told Rob dont call me about nothing. I got students. that's my focus and my passion is. give me 4 percent but dont call me about nothing. my goal for ya'll is to set it up how i had it. i was in the office for 6 years. i planted my seeds. its time for ya'll to plant ya'll seeds.
Every month, call. a team answers the questions on facebook.
who has this worked for. let's get some people on here.
eric: cyber monday last year. Erica Walker, Nov 30th. i work 9 to 5. i teach couping and i do softball sat and Sunday. took me 2 weeks. dec got llc and all of that. january started with first truck. i am now dispatching 3 carriers and power only. they do 50k a week. I do power only and we got him a dedicated lane. 3 carriers dont speak english. one of the drivers dont speak english. i use tranlation app on my phone. he text me in Spanish, i translate it, write it back in spanish. carriers are doing touch freight with dollar general. making 2k a day, home every night. my friend's husband created a mass email to all my old brokers. ex military double and triple endorced. got him signed up for his first load tonight.
I got 5 carriers, 9 drivers. run amazon and when they don't they do the dollar general. how much profit?
between 3k to 5k a week. that's 12k a month. I've gotten away without using the load board due to the relationships I've built.
next testimonial: James. dispatching has really helped me. helped me fund and do some other things. I just invoiced the government for a nice chunk of change. i took money from dispatching and do other things. dispatching 3 trucks. i work a full time job. husband, father. i charge 10 percent. 3 carriers, he's power only. he's coming home every night or every other night. he's not out there to chase all the money. I'm flexible. I'm looking at 1300 to 2k a week. depends who's out and how far they want to drive. one of my carriers is bilingual. he does Spanish sermon on Sunday. he decided to keep it low.
Tylesha- she got 23 carriers and has hired dispatcher.
O/O on the call. she's good at what she does. she speaks highly of you guys. she said you are hard on her which is excellent. she's so good at what she does. she cares about her carriers, getting the most for each load but also safety. she wants that driver to get proper sleep, to contact broker when load drops, when it gets picked up. 100 percent all the way around.
on a week? on low end 16 semi trucks i can make 15,600. 6 box truck and that's 2100. average of 15k a week. 4 other dispatchers. we've partnered together to get these box truck to get them dedicated lanes. She came and kicked the door in. how much did it cost to get it up and runing? less than $600. put systems in place as i learned along the way. you gotta go through some things to get to your destination. its a journey. everyday will not be perfect. some days i've cried. i said i dont want to do this no more. there are livehood that are put in my hands and i respect it.
shouldnt be on the fence. tap in. go to the website. $500 today for his dispatching course.
direct phone numbers, its all right there.
Fleet owner:
wife does dispatch. how much you doing right now. last 2 months minimum is 7500 to 80k per truck. after you pay everything, how much take home? use cash to buy other assets so we have the title to the trucks. we have 10k a week. with maintenance, tires. about 20k a month.
partner knows the business with you. she knows what she's talking about. Go to truck stops together, bonding and to be winning helps the marriage out. we grossed over a million dollars from a simple 2k investment. to have another venture, something we can pass on to the children. we can pass on dispatch companies and trucks and we have those titles to.
Melissa: took profits now got on the trucking side. so many ways to learn and scale in trucking. use an extra 4 to 8k a week. I knew nothing. when did you sign up? April 2021. was making 140k a year. right now? 11 trucks in service. in average week, take home 7k easy. that's all off relationships. we love the load board. I'm calling my brokers first. my phone is going off right now, brokers that want to give me first dib. a load or a lead. tap is the night, decide. you owe this to yourself. if i can do it, knowing nothing about trucking why cant you do it. i did this on the side until i said this i need to do full time.
Don't hope, decide. never be enough trucks to service, never enough dispatchers. 2.2 million trucks in the road right now guys. i want quality dispatchers in the market. i'm teaching mindset, build relationships so you dispatching the same truck 10 years from now.
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