Mission Statement

Why 4L the family? Why not just 4L?

how do you join the family?

exclusive club, you have to be invited in.

what is different about members of the family?

they are positive, goal driven, visionaries, legacy builders, world changers, they leave an imprit

reuniting our people together. not a race thing. like minded. 

what kind of things do they like?

nature, positivity, happiness, success, 

what brings them to the brand? why buy yours, what does it mean when they see someone else wear it.

They feel  like the chosen one.

chosen one means to fly above all limitiations. to look at the world from a bird's eye view. to have vision. 

vision, for their reality. for life. for L. 

What made you create this brand? what inspired it? 

started this brand because I didn't want to wear other people's clothes. i wanted to wear my own brand. 

there was no community of like minded individuals that wanted something better for themselves. you wanted to give a platform where people could meet communicate with one another and pick each other's brains, help each other grow, help lift one another. show love and show positivity and give back to the ones in need. 

how many people? who wears it? where are clothes worn? 

the person that wants more for themselves, anyone that wants to be great and wants more for themselves and wants to work to be a better person.

where: worldwide. no borders.

what's your ideal customers? no race, age, or style. everyone that wants to grow and fly above limitations.

what limitations have you flown above?


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