Wish List
Laundry by Shelli Segal
$300 at Nordstrom, Why must we pay
such prices for perfection?
This look is classy and modest.
But it comes at a cost, $548 to be exact
$80 Zara blouse
From walkinwonderland.com
In modern day Aladdin, Jasmine would wear this
to town: fit for a princess, casual enough for street wear. $55 at Shoe Dazzle from FlorDeMariaFashion.com
This reminds me of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
I want to style this. What do you think?
Maximum hip-accentuator legging
$20 at Necessary Clothing
This is everything that I love at the moment.
Oh yeah, and the reason why I don't post pictures is because I need $800 to invest in a Cannon.
Phone photos is no good for the quality
I want to give you. Love ya!
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