Hide and Seek

Today at the preschool, I played hide and seek.

I was hiding and the suspense was killing me.

There I was, waiting to be found. The kids didn't look for me.

Eventually I had to get out of the hiding place.

I feel the same way in my personal life.  All my life, waiting for a prince to find me.

Hiding away, not experiencing the fullness of the world.

Wanting someone to come and rescue me.

Nicole Murphy once said in an interview "Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers; plant your own garden."

But I have to remind myself of that, that joy can be mine. On Friday when my date got cancelled I decided to still go to the city.

It turned out to be one of the funnest nights. I texted my college roommate and we ended up heading out to Brooklyn to a Christian cafĂ©. I met her fiancĂ© and got to chill with her cousin Robyn, whose energy and spirit lifts me up every time I see her.

Jain, one of the preschoolers, he shuts down and walks away when he doesn't get his way. He sits in a corner in his cubby and cries. I did the same when I was little. I would go and hide in a closet. So I do what I wanted someone to do for me, I  go and pursue him. Remembering what I wanted when I ran away was to be chased, 
cared for. To know that someone thought me important.

God is there for me and he's all I have. So I have to remind myself not to go and look to men to fulfill my desires to be held and feel cared for. Love is deeper than that. Sometimes you need to stop playing hide and seek. Just come out, enjoy the surroundings. So when that soulmate comes, he's not the sun in your life. He's just a nice addition to the joyful life you've already created.


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