TODAY WENT TO A HEAD she started on her BS about me disobeying God i let it slide last time i didnt this time. i said i'm setting a boundary. you are gonna let that go and stop saying i didnt get a car i could not get a car. i already have said that. so you are gonna stop bringing that up to me. IF YOU HAD GOTTEN A CAR i said i will with the tax return. YOU DISOBEYED GOD. i said you are Venus, you are not God SHE SAID HOLY SPIRIT IS TALKING THROUHG ME. i said i am not a baby christian, i have a relationship with God and holy spirit talks to me to. you gonna let that go about the car, stop saying that to me. SHE GOT A LITTLE UPSET AND I SAID I'M GONNA LET YOU GO KNOW. SHE WENT ON AND ON (WHEN YOU SET BOUNDARIES, PEOPLE GET UPSET) so i let it go, it seemed she wasnt gonna get over that. THEN SHE SAID, YOU CALLED ME, YOU'RE THE ONE IN THE SITUATION. Like that has anything to do with it. that's right i called her. maybe i should have cut her off before. i give people...