what do we need to do? mentors, role models. we dont have scar tissue. we arent looking at our role models for what they really are. My parents, my mentors they were great to me. great baseline for success. harder to look at those and basically raised you and question them.
sorry to get deep and crazy there. im usually high energy. i didnt share my story last time that we talked.
31 years old. 52 w2 employee. 700 fastest growing company in the US. Easy for me because i will not go back to what i saw in 2008. I refuse. There is not one little iklet that i will ever let myself go back to the feeling of losing everything. I refuse.
I want to ask everyone, right now. What is your why?
my only role model went bankrupt. 4.5 half years ago in basement of a complex called presidnetial city. cold calls to start my marketing agency. 8 months before that i refuse dto sell one thing before i had a 10 year plan on papper. i stil lneeded my father's business and he had no plan. every year he went in what are we gonna do this year?
put a yes in the chat as well. what are we gonna do? the more talented you are, the less you will plan. 88GEM
Planning is a habit. That's why i dont plan. I set VISION. SAY VISION!
I'm in this apartment, living in Philly. Beautiful Mind movie.
Unemployed, making 10 year plans.
I came back to that excel spreadsheet, after every phone that hung up, etc.
Say I'm in.
What would be true? this is called a future truth statement. this is not visisualization. is everyone with me? TELEPORT, BE WITH ME RIGHT NOW.
You are literally reporting waht is true in your life right now. Write this down right now.
You know, deep in your heart. what is the financial target? 100k a month. i have over 50 acres. I have land in Florida to finance family eventually moving down South and owning businessness and homes.
How much revenue are you making per client per year? how many followers do you have? i have 5 million followers. 100k a month. systems in place. Nehemiah Davis on my phone, access to him. Alaka on my phone too. Circle in CEOs.
Consistency, let's go. 88.9 million, give it up for that! 100 thousand people helped themselves become financially free. I would be a billionare and retire early. give it up for that!
This carpet is really slimy. Little did I know I had something in the slip. Thank you for that, by the way. Give it up for a friend. So, here is what I am excited to talk about. Meat and potatoes. Put statement you wrote down. what is separating you from making that real?
It comes down to: TIME, MONEY, ABILITY.
Now what? what's preventing you from it? give it up for nothing. What I'm gonna share is the 5 reasons why goal setting doesn't work. Goal setting doesnt work:
factors to heatoing up your house, heating uo your life is ideatical to
1. faith, do you have a clear target? are you willing to die for your goals? are we waiting for faith to come? or.. can we create a habit behind our belief? is it possible to generate conviction? to generate faith through your habits? there's science to this. if you repeat your goals every single day. affirmation timers on your phone. 3 to 4 times a day. you are 10 times more likely to reach your goals. This is not complicated. Your consicous mind needs to manipulate your consicious mind. you have written your goal down for 6 years you are going to believe it.
2. fuel. you can have the best heating sustem if you didnt pay the bill, it wont run. next week inter
600 grand
I'm the power plant. I choose what I commit to. I'm the CEO. What's the furnace? it's your systems. once we are spending money on the heating bill. where is that heat going to transfer to? that's your business. that's the intrinsic value of your business.
What's your thermostat? My mind (pointing to jhis brain, nuggin). YOu can have the best business vessel int he world. plenty of marketing agencies. Not many of them get 4 million offer. its not the vessel, it's the belief. it is your thermostat. It's the language pattern that goes through your head. if that's your response to every single opportunity that comes up. You are literally reject abundance before it comes to your life.
3. finance, furnance
4. thermostat- controls temperature
Changing your life is only one decision. Its the refocus technique. most wealthy CEOs do it. Release, Relax, and Refoucs. this is what Oprah asks herself before every single meetin g before she does. one question: what is the intention of this meeting?
brandon Breshard he had a meetin giwth Oprah she kept asking, what is the intention of this meeting? she asked this every 15 minutes. INTENTION- Release, refocus, what is the outcome .
that little habit will change your entire life. what is the outcome of this event? I make 7 to 8 figure ROI is because I first wrote down what am I looking for to get out of this event? im' gonna change days of my time unless it reutrns
When you are looking for wealth are you going to find it?
To heat up your house, you need fuel. what is your fuel? FUEL IS YOUR WHY.
That deep spiritual knowledge that what I'm doing is not just for me. I am on a mission. I am doing this for generations of people. I am doing this not just for my own litte. Does anyone succedd like that? Circle of Ceos they dont have to put on an event like this. They are constantly think ign of how they can deliver more and more value? is it clear? is it documented? is it
5 million a year on revenue. 10% should be spent on personal development. i'm speaking from experience. mentors, coaching, mentor programs. 600k a year? hard to pass by 600k. who is spending more than 600k a year on PD right now? I know Neo probably does.
If you want to go to 5 million a year in revenue. PD is what makes you deserve growth. all the businesses I've interviewed and coached. they expanded. they increased their brand. uptick in demand. more people to request to work with the business. it creates the need to hire people.
Increase demand, increases need for you to hire people. I'm gonna blow up, make more content, blah blah, blah. direct proportion.
leadership, mentorship, personal education. it allows you to get a to hire people and keep them in your team. think about that. I want to share, i shared the 40/10 rule. 10% of the number you wrote down that will be true 3 years from today. 10% what is that number? if you do 5 million, stop at 500k.
Hi just outspend everyone else. i take risk. write this down. you don't have to have the money, you just have to have the stomach. I paid Alex Rodriguez (x amount) and my stomach 180k is not a big deal when I look at my goals.
I'm looking around. If you are with me virtually. Hand up, okay.
The progress triangle. The first course I ever bought ever, online. was an anxiety reduction course by a guy named ..
I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder. I call it attention abundance disorder.
I can reframe in my head, what if i do win, what if I succeed? that is so easy! Nobody is doing this!
The progress triangle is what will transform your life. pull down my credit card, do what all great entrepreneurs do. pull out my wallet, credit card, put down my information. first time I ever bought information in my life. it changed my life. I overcame anxiety.
What's the value? of sanity, of peace in your life? its everything. I bought a course in public speaking. by the way, I was in college just a dude that was lost with a bankrupt family. i was really frustrated one day. I was sick of buying course. i am going to go to a in person event like this! what happened was, it was Brandon Rashad event in Phoenix. First thing they had us do, we stood up and jumped to house music.
You come to an event like this to make a decision. Someone say decision again! Change your life!
AMTRAK TRAIN TO NY. strategic coach event, 30k. I never bought something like that before. indian guy in the room. worst sales pitch ever. and you will have work life balance. I was so motivated. I pulled out my credit card again, bang the 30k. wife was like are you kidding me?
best thing that ever happened to me. When I signed up for an extensive coaching program. I never had to go book another event or another course i Had it spoon fed for me.
I'm telling him that i'm doing all these mastermidns. we are doing a 1 million a year . we meet in a pool in Philly in our apartment complex. We are right next to each other in the pool, what do you do? That's how I met Nehemiah.
How are you gonna get there? Penalty that is going to happen if you dont reach it? Its a person I just met in the pool. I'm like dude. he said I'm joining war room. Russen Brunson's inner circle. this mastermind, this mastermind. He was showing me the wire. 6 figures to this people for masterminds. i ahd experienced 3 masterminds. Neo was blowing up at that time. I said, I'm just gonna follow him. I was broke I didnt know money. I went into debt. So, this leads me to another point that is called the progress triangle. is what changed my life. Its the power that I found in personal development that created everything.
North piece of triangle. PAIN OF PAYMENT.
buyers removers.
Show me your social group, I will show you your future. I am dead serious here. This is real. When you have pain of payment, when you have group accountability effect (the people are you sorrounded by are doing bigger things that you). I gotta attend this next training, this next mastermind. who are you not hanging out with when you are doing that? the people that support the old you.
I'm gonna pull Nehemiah up. Some of you came in here to better yourself. I'm here to invite that you do a little bit more than that. As soon as you are trying to better your current self, maybe you need to part ways with that self. Some of you thought that you were going to improve yourself an dmake some micro improvements. Youa re here to part ways with every single habit. every limiting belief that held you back. Little voice in yoru head that tells you, waht if it doesnt work. You are here to part with the old you.
My question to you is this, what do you have to give up? in order to deserve the 3 year picutre tha tyou wrote down? what has to change now? when? NOW!!!
Sitting around and seeking more information is not going to change it!
David Shands, circle of CEOs, they go all in on their goals and their dreams. continue to do that right? Marcus gave people the opportunity. people that say I'M ALL IN! CLAP IT UP FOR HIM!
I want you to see what is going to happen. Part of the environment, community of people that will help me excel. I didn't get an opportunity, but we meet every week in our mastermind. I'm not gonna sit here and break it down. I want to be a part of it.
There is no another Circle of CEOs next year. You decided to take advantage of history. help you level up. When I made decisions on how hard it was. is this hard for me right now? if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you. Gonna be very hard to reach a level of success without investing. why not going all in. i need to be all in. EVERYBODY STAND UP FOR A SECOND.
I am committed to making decisions that will better my future. to taking action on a work that will allow me to level up. today is the day, that i am going to execute. I'm gonna give it everything that i got. clap it up for yourself. for a second. You are letting go of who you used to be.
I'm gonna over deliver. how you do anything is how you do everything. my mastermind, 25k. Marcus, 25k. we are going so deep on work. End of January. Everybody here, go ahead and talk of ways to level up. Strategy of what you need to do for the next level. How much will it cost if we do not do it? Nothing changes if nothing changes. This is our last chance, our last opportunity. I didn't want to come back and talk about it. They are action takers.
How much does this cost? Me alone, what i'm offering is crazy. What if we
Go in and we do an event where we analyze. 10-50k for black friday if we help you?
He said you gotta stop exchanging time for money. Yo have to. I want to do this for the people. I know where we were at the presidnetial apartments.
event templates, i'm gonna be giving them away. secret stuff. doign that for everyone that is here today. make sure you can come up so that you can claim that. Neo... what is the price if you dont do it?
when I met Neo, he taught me one lesson that helped me make an extra 3.2 million dollar in my business. its called redirect pages. he showed it to me. had i not beein in the pool that day with him.
NEO said i dont want to go hard on the offer. nice guy, didnt want to piss someone off. i yelled at him. the circle of ceos lives are transformed. they made a million in the first 6 weeks joining groups like this. i told Neo, what would people that made a million from you in 6 weeks woudl have been better or worse off if they didnt get in your program. you did a disservice by not selling people your product.
I have seen the results. Neo- if i ever made you some money, make some noise.
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