Sunday Workday 2.28.2021
1. find right shade of green (it's about to be 11am, we are still on this)
I'm thinking a white background where the colors pop
I don't want the daily thing but if I learn how to make my own posts with our own quotes that will be dope.
so I can state what the post say, instead of relying on an app.
also, once we get the words on a look IG thing template we will keep, then I can go ahead and do a shoot of him as well as video content.
2. then have a 1 page document of information we want to break down to the masses.
3. purpose of IG is to educate, establish yourself as a educator, a helper, a resource in the knowledge that you know about.
4. emailed him the screenshot of the starting IG page
now need to go into insights and save that. then email it to him.
5. black millionaire is just so simple. black background, white letters. a little ig handle in the middle of it.
6. i had the idea to put his face in each post. like on a corner the left up corner. him shrugging like 'I told you so!'
or picture of him pointing at someone.
I like the idea of video content. I need to type up different ideas.
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