Dispatch call 3.31.22
Alix GoodEnergy: Atlanta to Louisville, KY to Charlotte, NC: perfect triangle Lady: took her a year. got her first carrier. wake up early, cant get up at 7am and find the best loads. Needs to Erica Blocker: Networking, business brunches, that's where he met fleet owner. 2 carriers, 5 box trucks, dispatching for 2 weeks. need help already. carrier is going to bring another carrier next week. headset, pull over, hey i'm a dispatcher. now you have my flyer. -Get out of other Facebook groups. they can be negative, the comments are negative, gas, cheap freight. that's not your story that is not going to happen for you. -I wake up at 5:45am. stay up late. load boards are jumping at 10pm. loads being added. you can email them and they can text you then call you. ADVICE TO GET CARRIERS: - cold calling is the best way to get carriers MELISSA: was a driver, now dispatching. has 2 carriers, each have 4 trucks. ERIK COLLINS: Cold calling, prepared for...