You say I'm beautiful all the time and I look good and the way people perceive me I don't see it you keep bringing it up so it must be a thing You let me know how others think and how logical and calculated men are and it surprised me, all the things you said Prince knew and how easy it was for him to get me And you said make sure I'm getting something too because the guy is getting a great deal that's all I'm saying, Auris I get the message but I'm still naive gotta keep thinking about the lessons and I feel like a little kid that someone is explaining what the sun is its always been this way and the world has turned more or less way less holy in the last 10 years that I have escaped society and stayed in my little bubble of God and Alex And now being out, learning all that I am learning I gotta 'put myself out there' and have no interest in being over exposed but am interested in making a living a mattress money road and I know people keep winning by...