I wish I could say it was the last time or the first time that this time, this is the first time I was sad, yes shocked, yes but the pain, the pain was away in a place in my soul too far away for me to connect with the feeling I called Jenny and told her the whole thing and even I don't know if she got it she said what if Alfredo reaches out in the future I say in a future that is not here I will make a decision just like I'm making decisions now I will be fine Did she see something I don't see? Jenny asked I said no, she sees something I also see she's just not willing to put up with it but I have such a tolerance for bullshit and being in environments that I don't belong What I learned today was 1. how intolerant Aysia is 2. how insensitive Alfredo was, he didn't even get that he cost me a friend similar to the day that I was about to get hit he told me to film a TikTok and get famous what an insensitive thing to say and what a idiotic thing to say he did sa...