
Love is simple, love is kind. Love is not jealous. It delights in good and not evil. And so it goes. What is love? and why is it since babies we cry when we don't have it? Moment by moment we want to be held, fed, sang to, cared for. Then we grow up and become adults, but does that need for love ever change? Maybe instead of milk what we ask for is bigger paychecks, more hugs, more sex from the wife, more awards (letters of recognition). What is love? and what does it mean to love? At the preschool in Art I put Auris loves _______. And I didn't know what to put down next. What do I love? What do I actively love? Sure I love cannolis, but I don't paint murals of them in the streets. Or yell out my love and tell the world. I definitely don't have them more than a couple of times a year, only when I'm in a pizzeria and it's on the menu then I remember that I love them and get them. How about my kids at the preschool? I love them from 8:30...